Potîery Lamp- Coia1 colon, 22'" ldgh, gold plated unounting; 14" s11k shade. 88.00. Lovely China Lamp 21" higli; rose.deeora- tion; moisi înouutlngm 14" s11k shade. $5.50.' China Table Lauup - 221 hîgh., floral decora. tlon; moisi moumntnu. 16" silk shade. *13.Îb. *Early Parchoses H'eld, for Christmas Deliv;ery Fli Choose SMYTH GOOD FURNITURE. . for Beauiy, Com fort and Durabiy 23x44" Tuxedo Sofa - Smvth Coffee Table - Ele.. Desk Lam p - Coin. Chippendale 1 8 beautiful pieces: Buffet, Table, 1 Arm Chair, $2' 5 Side Chairs .....Y2 Specially Made for Smyîh's The inherent beauty of xnahogany ha, SM I I3.1LUJb I R. »1UAIJJAJ' Shown ai lft. A washed carpeting, deep pi eolors--tone on toue patterued with twist« beaulifully sheened. Use asrup or wail-to 91. and -12e' widlis. 9x12' rugs 5 .yd., N.uwmjàralaiaigis ince 1867 .sot lovely Irn texture, Il carpeting. S mart draperies, c.mjortes aud lied ding -. beauUfuilamps and acceoea.rle: among thse you'U ftndmany suitable