Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Nov 1939, 24-25

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F.wmdations With Patented "4UNIT 0 F VITAL COTROL") You'il, b.:anîazed a I he .fficiency and tomfort wlda whieh EVEN-PUL actualiy .transforme yeur figure anid gives you muni Young lUnes froint huaito lt.Tespecially de- ailgned ptenteèd front panel suPpportsi. edia- phragin .mand 'abdomen and. gives yen a buoy- ant upstanding, carniage whicli makes, yeu look and. feel years yonnger. Comblaioseomdegir- des distrihute the flesL se evenly thenie's not a single ltge te dlsturb 4h. @le 7SthuMi*1U0, whieh every woman longs for. -$350 $0 $750 E. IAmong thie citations wiiç com- prised the lesson-sermon was t he tollowing from the Bible: "As for Iman, his days are asn grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.. For the wind passeth over it, and it 15, gone; ;and the. place. therof shahi know it no mor e. But the mercy ýof the Lord is from everlasting to ever- lasting upon themn that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's, childre.ge' (Psalms 103:15-17)'. The lesson-sermon also includedl- the folo6wmng, passages' fromn the Christi'an Science textbook,' "Sci- ence .and -Eealth, with »Key'to the scriptures," byý Mary Baker Eddy, "I1mmortal: man was and is.,God's image or idea, eéven the infinite ex- pression. of infinite Mi, and im- mortal man is- coexistent and co- eternal with that Mind. He has been forever in the eternal, Mmd,. God; but infinite Mind can neyer be in man, but is reflected by man. Thej open. n tnzu-ey, u the traditional Thanksgiving* Day which, a ccording to reports, wlll be celebrated by some persons, espe- cially in neighboring sta tes. Admis- sion to the museum will be free on both days,, and as -Thànksgiving 15 a f avoritç day with many Chicago- land residents for. an annual visit to the, museum, a large attendance is expected. HOME FPOU WEEK-END John Chapin, son of Mr. andMrs. Sprague'L. -Chapin,.236 Laurel ave- nuewlspn this week-end at home. John, who, wa s graduated last, June fromn Purdue university, is. now employed in' Akron,. Ohio. An- other houseguest at the Chapin home this weekend will be Mrs. Margaret Blind of Lafayette, Imd. spiritual man's consciousness and individuality are reflections of God" (p. 336.). = E E ImflhIIUft Ferndeli'Cranberry Sauce18 No. 11/2 tin .. B~b tuant Min'ce Meat No. 2 size ...... 39,r Feruideli1 Peaches No. 21/2 size tin, for Quéec lives Lae No. 16 jar e e C Now that wome n have been serv- ing on, juries in Illinois for, more than two months it is time to tk stock of what has happened and what. the resuits are... They can be sum- marized briefly: 1-A large majority of the women jurors are taking their service seni- ously and are enJoying it. .They get satisfaction out of performing. this important part of theirobligation of citizensipe and they feel that they are getiung an education. 2-OnIy, 8 per cent of the wômen ask to be excused, compared t. ,60- per cent -of the -men. This accountsi for the apparent preponderance of women on many of the Junies. 3-Lawyers. are Complaining that. women are returning smalIer ver- dicts. in personal injury and. other damage 4111*5. Thtis proItaIty can be accounted for by the fact that wom- en usually appreciate the value of money and are more careful in handl ing it than their husbands. The fact that so many women are bein-g called for service in the Cook county courts fhis faîl seems to be due to the fact that the Jury com- mission exercised a womanly prero- gative and changed it-s-mrind. Mem- bers 'of the commission had an- nounced, when the womnan juror bilîls the iaws were to uecome ee1t iv be postponed until January 1, at least, in order to give them more time in which to prepare for the change. How, List$ Are Obtained Under their rules the jury com-. mi.ssioflers prépare a complete neW general jury list every four years' A new one was not due until 1940. This iist is obtained by taking the registration list from each of the, 4377 election precincts in Cook ing four-year lnsts. Minorlty lni Criinal Courts To, maiy' persons the mention o jury servie.y ealis to mitdtue crim-: inal courts and -the sordid stories ýof .crime and human misery Which are. ui4Colded'therein.somie of the trials., In reality le ss than 25 per. cent of the persons.caled for jury service in the county are surmoned to the Crimninal Courts building, and only, 60 per, cent of those actually serve, in a. criminal, trial., Thus only cite person out of seven ealled, for, serv- ice in the county actually sits, in a criminal case. 0f the 23,000 mien called for serv- ice in 1938 only 13,000 actually. served. J UIKEY! Assure yonrself of a sutcessful. dinner hygetuing one of Our choece,: freegh dressed, îurkeys. W. have a size te -fit your need andi k will corn ecle aly dressedready foir stnffing Order Nom Free Delivery, 'i/leFRHOS iscibella Neair Grecs IBay Wiîmt 64 U Phomies: Gre. 3450 Wgàef 4 & $250 Regularly $3.98' Easyý free r4lling artillery type wheels; b r a k e, wood footheard. OP EN~ Corne on, Gang! flore'. a new world to, discover - a whole world of new funi innkers. Santa has stocked every Wie- I. ~i to'bsee. Odds Sodkins Uittle Chsums Seller Lisien to WGN ai' 5:30 p.me ,(ary eveann exCezjt Complet. service. for la--table beauty for the Thanksgiving feass., Fine china in choice of four exquisitey wecorated floral patterns; wide ivory shouujder. *$3495 Smau Amount Down.-Ea#y Paymenia DAVIS- STREET EVANSTON: they will be callect to serve as jurors. The kaw provides that a person can- not be cafled 'oftener tuan, once a, year. . However, few persons -are called mopre than once, in a -lifetimeë Davis. Street,: Evanston IW Tkamksgiving Speeials, * E. E.........

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