Jusitwomoments!, H¶IMUCU Of.your mny . n vested in propet that niay be destroyed and wIat wil you have: left if that happens? Spend a momïent. figuring thie Dut and, another in callinag us to, check'up.ý We wiiI unake sure, thai yen have insurance to reimsburse yon if your, property la destryd. &.G~. ESERBE A*INîcT Iusurace SpecIolis Phon W'Inno1&a 858 522 Green Bay Rond WInno1&. rawa illuer, Wilard Jarcnow, : and Frank Badger, of Wlmette, Mi sis Marilyn Titus of Evanston, Miss Yvonne. Anderson of Kenilwor-th,. and Miss Jean Seldel of, Glencoe., The event on November. 24. is plan- ned as the first of a series ofý parties in which the plans, and arne ments are to ýbe decided by: the younger set. Music for dancing will be fur-, nished by Bob Hinmnan and bis Wild.- cat orchestra, a, favorite amon g North Shore'young people. Advance response te the party announcement, has been uniusually enthusiastic and a capacity crowd in the Shawnee ballroom is expected te enjoy, the affair. BAffAI LECTURE "T'TGrOitest Event' in Historyý'- is the subject of a talk which willl be given at the Sunday afternoon meeting at 3*30 o'clock, November 19, in- Foundation hall, Baha'i Uni- versail House of Worship at Linden avenue and Sheridan road, Wilmette. Mrs.' Nina Matthisen of Chicago will be the speaker. The Chldren's Hour wiIl convene at'il o'clock in Foun- dation hall on Sunday mnornirig. Tuesday Af ternoon New Trier High school's basket- baIl season will open next Tuesday Iafternoon at 4 o'clock when the Io- cals will be hosts to the- Liberty-, vade New Trier the folowingý day. .Varsity football players, it was an- houned will be Ineligible for these first two ýnon-league affairs. Clyde Grater wllIl again coach the varsity and Bob Ream the fresh-soph squad. The 1939-1940 schedule follows:, Tu P'y o. 21-LibertyvvilIe at New Wednesday, Nov. 22-Nules Center at New T. rier FridaY, Dec. 1ý-Oak Park at New Trier flday, Dec. 8-Xew Trier at Morton 'I'Uesday, Dec. 12-Evanston at New Trier Friday, Dece. 22-Waukegan at New Trier Frlday, Jari. 12z-Sullivan at New Trier ITueË;day, Jan. 16-New Trier at ProvýIso. 4 p.m. Friday, Jan~. 19-Highland Park at New Trier Frlday, JTan. 26-Morton at New Trier Friday., Fb. 2-New Trier et, Evanston Friday, Feb. 9-New Trier at Waukegan 'Fr day' Feb. 16-Wells at New Trier Wedneiday, Feb, 21-Proviso at New Trier Friday, Feb. 23-New Trier at Highland. Park .Frlday, March 1-New Trier at Oak Park pen when Evanston and New Trier get together! Anythig Van Rappen Past performances of both these leagme championship, the gane, to start at 12:30 at Diche stadiurn'. The boys showm here may figure promfrzently in the, fracas. L eft ob M top te bottom, they are: tackle; Alan Edmiston, à Smithers, end, tRay 11111V Dr5LA WnIiVLI nui a Single teuchdown bas been made in Subur- ban competition. The team's only defensive weakness is on pas.s ng.> Five touchdowns have been notched against them -and everyone has corne via the. air. Scoring against Evanston bas flot proved a difficult problem for most of the teams who have faced them thus far; the biggest trouble that, mnost Evanstnnn mnntq hntr.-n- ig. * ' ulvgcicin tand the afternoorn. Boys 15 Y-ears of Ipped age and under, whether' ex- both perienced or flot, rnay join the Pro- group. 400 gW y ui 'I