a ion al L eagu e o f W o m en V oters, ' which is .on record for "a ýcoi- ordinated systemn of adequate relief for the' unemployed and the needy," has inaugurated this study of the workmngs of, state and local assist- Sance programs. A study guide has been issued, ti- tled "1Relief in My Town," thirough which women voters,. by. interviews and visits to their local public as- sistance agencies,ý will infrm them- selves of their local situation in such a way as to make comparisons pOs- sible. Not Investigation "Most of the..answers about local. relief administration can be secured1 only by the interviews and -visits* suggested," the study guide says.1 "This survey is not an 'investiga-, tion,' but is being made to acquaint! *Leaguë memb1ers with the adauinis- tration of relief in their community." Women voters not only will be' visiting WPA construction prôjects,;, white coliar projects, and women' s projects, but also NYA projects, CCC camps, migrant camps, and the re- lief work being done under the Farm Security Administration. Suggest Speelfie Matters Among the many specific matters suggested for local scrutiny weire: -How rnany workers were laid, off by the '18 months tenure' ruling in the 1939 appropriations act? llow many of these obtained jobs in pri-! vate business? lIow. many had to goj on. direct relief? Dîd the 18 months1 ruling prove helpful or harmful?" "Evaluate the work being done by * NYA and CCC for young persons. What does the group think of the future of INYA and CCC?" -i h "Has there been evidence i h past of political pressure upon the administrative personnel or uponE WPA workers in your town? Can this possibility bc prevented ini future? If so, how?"- "Don the WPA proiects whieh the 'I SUGAR- Siver Crysfa iol Flue *Mwf.d* Plore. Came, Fl.. rrealoa.d 10 'i 53 BAKING POWDER. 9 Calumet. 16-oz. tan ........ SunwetLarge size2 2 1 2c CRISCO or ,SPRY. R i lb. can 19C FLOUR' Z41/a-Ib. boag 59C COM! AGAIN 55C CURIESOTA. GOLD MEDAL or PULISR1JRY'S83 241/2-14 aq 5l. bo g 83C. LARD' BWIFT'S BMILBLAF, DATES, Dromfawy * Pittea Pasteud"de 2'v4"-23c OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE.. 2. 170L x .245C Z l7c 10*; lC BIG VALUES on SEASON'S FINES T POTATOES Pancy Nebraska C Triumphs 10 lbs.1u LETTUCE Farncy Colfornia Iceberg large 5 dozen sîze h.ud. bonds 7c Ca.Wt* F.ncy colif . mio .-*bu**dic Gaef ruit Tiid..OE.s Apples F.C G e * 0 5 lbs..lSC FR EE with ti and< alO.-o:. pkg. of NUT BARS et the. re Lr N.. 217-na. cons- 25C 3 t4..2 cana 25 to's 50#Ia Aoiversa.y ERNO SARATOGA FLAKES of a 12-cz. pkg. of SAL-; lOKIES ALL OCOA- MIR 4c . Rogular 44C Value Mr. and~ Mrs. Frank W. Ketcham, 40Devonshire lane, Kenilworth, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Gerould, 431 Essex road, Kenilworth, spent a re- cent week-end in St. Louis, where they visited at the homie of Mr'. and Mrs. Robert M. C.« Ormnrod. 1105-07 Central Avew--Wil. 386 408 frre» Ray REU-KoeIIwortS5171