Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Nov 1939, p. 20

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by GEORGE RECTOR . .. .Some nére. has, aptly, remarkted. that !0 admiring me. Piigrim iFathers for ail they put up with, we should remember that the Pilgrem Mothers hbad Co 'Put up with--the same bardships, and wît.h. the: Pîlgruri Fathers as. well. Certamnly, those good lad!es liad plenty to contend with and would have been quite overcome had sorneone presented them,> on that first. Thanksgivîing mnorning, With a Wlson's,.Ceiti- fied, Turkey-or Chicken-ali cleàned., plucked and ready for the oven.. Not to,'mention une, of. thocse superlative Ready, to Eat .Wil- son Tender Made Barns, needing only a heating once-over'to maire it the perfect d accompaniment to the festive fowl. w.d C& .,m j >OYSTER 8QU *WILSON'S CERTIFIIED ROAST TURKEY OR ÇHICKEN * SAUSAGE DRESSING CIBLET GRAVY gWILSON'S CERTIFIED TENDER MADE HAM I *CRANBERRY JELLY CELERY IIEARTS * -SWEET POTATO PUFFS GLAZED ONIONS * HEAD LErTUCE, ROQUEFORT DRESSING I INDIVIDLJAL PIJMPKIN PIES, * WITH GINGER WHIPPEI) CREAM iMINrS SALTED NUTS 0 * BEVERAGE -an oict AraDiaËn proverD. The parents of New Trier town- ship have placed their faitb in a program of physical education for their daughters b providing them with.sorne of the.best facilities and equiprnent in the country. In the justification;of their faith, the school has buit a curriculum iphysical education based on. the assumption that every parent has a. righit to ýes- pect that her:daughter should, gain in. total grrni'it1i due to ber exneri- ences in. physical1 activities. It je with, this thought in mind that the4 following ains, and objectivesa o! the departrnent have been formulate. From the, standpoint of stuclent developrnent the aimns are to create a greater enàjo ym enrit of living through the joy of participating in physical activities, to assist the stu- dent frorn the stafldpoint of- total growth to become a well-integrated and healthy individual, and to de- velop the social effectiveness of the stûdent or hier ability to meet the demande of, and make contributions to' society. Elght Objectives From the point of view of studentý ,Ievelopmient, there aro light objec tives. Firet, the elirnination of drains1 and strains upon the individual through discovering physical defects and renorting them tn the home. the direction, endaapaioîty to lme situations; the provision of oppor- tunities for the developmerit o! lead- ership qualities; giving the student the expérience of the satisfactions involved i tontributing to and co- operatingwith a group. Igighth, t he integration of .ahl Phases involved in the total growth, of the student. Twéo*d Aim, The considerations o! :conditions and. situations .essential to student developmnent lîkewise fal into. the: classifications of aime -and Qbjec- tives. The aimis -are twofold: to mhake the physical eéducation program !unc- tion more !ully in the lives of: the students through estabi ishing posi- tive reactions and. attitudes >on thé part of the students toward the pro- gram and thé situation by meetinig their objectives, by the* recognition o! individual differences, and' by pleasant and attractive surround- ings. The second aim le that of bringlng the physical education staff into dloser relationship with the. chil- dren and integratîng the subject matter more closely to the rest of their lives through the personaliza- tiori o! activities,. guidance, and greater ntgration of the curricu- lm. 1 The objectives of this program are divided into three factors: First Lt- provide.a pleasant and dlean en- Rinse tur key thoroughNy in clear cold water. and drain. Rub sait inside and oust. Stuif with dressing anmd close ntMck and vent openings with amali l ewers or ,ieedle and thread. Truss wi ngsandilegs. Spread loft sausage ,fat or Clear Brook. tha -it Depreparea Uihe aay oefore ad either served co4d, or warmed 'Slaghtly while theturkey is cooking. PASTRY SNILLS ana maximum .achievements, tmat is. her' lev el of abilities; learning: relaxation; estabiishing within the the student a knowledge and habits related to the neèds of the body for activity and good body hygiene; be- coming, as a recuit of activities and knowledges gained and their applica- tion to daily living, better able to, resist fatigue. Second, the developmnent o! or-' ganic vigor and power through grad- uated activity. - Second, to provide an adeqtiate program by developing a flexible Plan to meet the changing needs of the stu-Aents, including activities which satisfy student's present needs and wil provide for leisure time both now and later, and making it an integral part of other experiences through a dloser integration wîth the selhool, home, and community ex- periences. un apreiaton or the need of Weil- There -W-ill -be two performances, integrated and healthy conImunity one beginningat 10 a.m., and one at living. il, ini the James Simpson theatre o! Sixtb,* to famiiarize the student the museum. Children from ail with the recreational activities avail- parts of Chicago and cuburbs are able within the community and her invited. TheY MaY- Corne alone, ac- responsibility toward these activities comPanied by adults, or in groupe as a citizen of the community. fr0msÇhools or other organizaUons. v -

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