SEST NATIVE ROAST BE EF. FRESH DRESSED PIRYERS........... l. 29ic PORK LOIN. ROAST . lb. 23c, HOME STYLE MEAT FOR LOAF lb. 28e ...I i rbs35c lb.., 6-7 erbi30C b FRESH DRESSED WH-OLE SHOULDER LAMB ýROAST HOME MADE Pork Saousaqe MEAT lb. 25c .1b.27 BREMIR ROS.-SPECIAL * ELFIN* CRACKERS FunE lb. - Asuperlor *salted crce ht wilI add zest, to salade and soups. Try a package todaY' and note the difference. A D.IIcIous C@okI. Treoit p1IEAPPLE CREAMS 33Clb TIIESE ITEMS ON SALI TO NOVEMSER 22 Here UIs Outandlmg 9uuUIty SHEFFORD CREVELLE packed in econornical 1 l1b. and, 2'1b.; bavies and',in the trial Wk lb. package., This rich cheese food ia the ariswer to your lunch- eon.problems. Chevelle meits, spreads, slices and cooks.. Its ricb, Smooith, créamny texture plus the exclusive Chevefle flavor demonstrates Shefford superlor quality -cheese. Order Cheveile today. Ini response 'to,,your enthuslastic reception of Shefford Genuine Sweet Cream M2eese we again feature It at fer 57A» Sale!i FLOUR,- * 244lb. Reg* ÙR ANBEc Y SAUCE. 17.oz. tins ....2 for 29c Pure Cane and Maple ,. SYRUË. Pint, glass.................. 23 014 Monk Pure, OLIVE OIL. Plut tin ................ ê5 Fancy Minesota WILD RICE. New stock. Lb.......... 59C Crosse & BlackweI1 A MINCEMEAT. 16-oz..tins' ... 2 for 43c APPLE CIDER. Quart botties...2fo27 ALMONDS, shelied. Lb. . ........ ........... 69c Crosse & , l1n.'fwell New York Olarifi O, APPLE CIDER. Gallon glass Jug. . .... C Crosse,& ls*wpfl 2 6 PLUM- PU»»ING. 1"zoutints . . tii0'7 DATE ANI) MUT ]BREAD .. ... 2 for 25c SWIFTS PARD DOG FOOD I. SWELL. e&.4 for CÉLER HÏARTS .........bun. 25c GENUINE JERSEY SWEET POTATOES ....4, lb.25 1-1b. glaaa jar > vacuum pacloed......29 34lb. glasa jar atoeI eut. or beu . 8 C . «3 m& 3UC [-L Inland fancy large tropical beauties. Plump, frm and ripe. Serve thqxrx with sunimer breakfast foods for a real treat. These are flot to be colnpared with cheap Meican ha-. nanas offered at.,bargain prices U13e &"Nature'# fo3r: 35e package,.... Large l2L oz.les. 6hi handy carrier..... ,GEORGEI Be UNER, 1mc. A.,- 114-4446Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 420 Phone W* 410 i. I iJ 1 :du