ojflhofoT a«;the ral Festival of the corps to be 1held Saturday night, Noivember 18, at the Evans- ton C'ountry club, Oak avenue and Lake street. The occasion marks the 21st birth- day of the popuilar North Shore maà- jorette who, as her age suggests, was born during the World war, the. daughter o! a soldier in . the Amnen- .ete in PxIEp sway of iais-1 giving .holiday' business.. Several places of business wer e planning a very practical -celebra- tioni" of the street. opening by, offer- ing attractive sale features, totheir customers, eager to share their ap. preciation of thecompleted imp rove- nment with their, good friends, ;the shoppers. Announcernents of several of thege. street apenihg bargain attractions àppear in the advertising coluns of this issue of WiLMETTF LIFE. Whitworth. Songs. on Phi Beta Pro gram Songs composed by Miss J u ne Whitwec44f of Highland Park, fr merly of Glencoe, were sung by Mrs. Gene Hannon Duckett at the program and meeting of Phi Beta, music and arts fraternîty, which *as held at the Whitworth home on November 8. Mrs. C. R. Whitworth, the composer's mother, displayed somé of her pairitings. These same songs were given aga-in by M r s. Duckett at a meeting of the Highland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ederer, 139 Linden avenue, underwent an, oPeration on his foot at St. Luke's hospital on Tuesday. Hie will re- main at the hospital about a week and the n will return home to con- valesce until time for the, cast to be' removed. be for F eciaI guests and will perform Sfrolickers. ncton n grrnsvtonefofthe flnest Very Truly Yours r MOJUD STOCKINGS in. yow leg Iength 0 Short? M.d;u7m Tait? ThMoe M@juds f as »f m4d.e for yo U. Bsaufful afternoon sheers and filmy clress-up sheers. ~ms.mr The Real Hosiery valne in Towon $1 1148 WILMETTE AVENUE V2 D1k. N. .1 Central Ave. PHO9NE WIL#4TJ P97 Fret Deliueraea Daily ~ox ¶lanLôçjiuing 2)Dresses, front$1475 Juniors $7.9.5 Afternoon Dresses Smnart, new colors. From..... . a 1152 Central Avenue Wilmette 360 Norflu S.burbo. Cleamtes.l.. 9 a.m. fo 5:30 P.M. Saturdays 'fil 7 p.m. 1161, WILMETTE AVENUE .$1 4.75