Have it fixed UP now ready for the. holiday season. PoUlibng Repalrlng SjIver -Copper Brais, -Nickel Wilet ELCRO PLATERS '817 Green - aw DiioiL 8 Don't Trust t. Luck T7yaLpadof,1OUrý A L.ed Tody AN INTER~VIEW WITM MRS. FIWDERICK MERRIlPIELD Editor, WiLmrm lAVE: enough, has .probablY been said ini the_ Metropolitan papers and by inference in Miss Fenberg's article in yor paper, last week concern- ing he jury trial'in. which Mrs. Frederick.,Merrifield. of Wilmette was.ajmember of.the jury. Since, however, the important person in the case, as far as the ju~ry, was concerned, Mrs. Merrifield herseif, hbas not made public statemnents as sonie of, ber friendà, of whom 1 arn one, feel that she ,should,, I have taken upon rnyself the privilege:,of asking Mrs. Merrifierd a few ques- tions with the hope that, some of the various. rumors regarding her position might be clarified. I should first like to state for the benefit of some of your readers who perhaps do xnot know Mrs..Merrifield, that she, with her husband. fDr. Mer- rifield, who is a practicing oral sur- geon and a professor of Oral Sur- gery in Northwestcrn university, and ber four children have lived in Wil- mette for six years, during which timne Mrs. Merrifield has been an active worker in s uch civic activi- ties as the Wilmette League of Wom- en Voters, serving as president the past two years, a memnber -of the These posterastoere prize tvwinners in a contest among pupUls of St. Francis achoôl. They are.being used, to -advertlse the Sth annuat card.. p(*rt7J to'be given by the, Holy Name association of St. Fr ancis Xavier church.* The event uill take place next Mondai, evening,,November 20,, in the parlors of the Wilmette Woman's club, Ninth Street and Green- leaf avenue. The artiats are as follows: >Lehle Photo Lower row, leftQ iigbt -First, prize, M arynel !vlurphy, Helen Lapat R(ecréaton B d and Carol Steel, collaborators.y Top 'row, lefi. to right-2nd prize, Reelects Officers Mary Lou Slayton., 3rd prize, Gloria Pagliarulo. 4th prize, Joan. Marie At the annual meeting of the L.ey. Evanston Community Recreation as- mi~ IL