WITH TABLETS. .2W59C On the evening -of November 20 at 8 o'clock in the Neto Trier Hlhschool auditoriumh there will be held a service of friendship and, appreciation of the memory, of William S. Broum, :facuity mem ber ' f the Neuw Trier Hlgh school, who' bat his if e unon the torpedoed Athenia. Mr. Broum, in his desire to be on duty at the opening of school, obtained pas- sage upon this boat at Glas gowv after the cancellation of the sail- ing of the steamship California upon w h i c h his passage was originally bookeci. Matthew P. G a ff n e y, superintendent, andi membrsof the faculty and alumni of the school will par- ticipate. of the group, and a special, patrons program isà being prepàred. MUSic wifl be. tunished by Vincent Weis and bis orchestra. Gordon Wells. 1508 Forest ýavenue, Is -general chairmnan,. Shirley. Pearson 1i.s 1in charge of the P 1rogramn committee. 9all M Dur Tw* Dopemiable stè>res RigeAvé.,Parmacy Snider-Cazel Drio L66 and RIg bdtj od ANto efead Cefral Cd lýw.i..tt. 316 COU WII.n.ffs 400 Cleawrnce ~a1e Prepare ow for hanksgivin off on Cil REFRIGERATORS, RANGES - RADIOS WASHERS & URONERS Ask The Young reopies Sunaay jEve- ning club of the Holy Comforter church has some very, interesting, programs lined up, according to the program committee. Sunday eve- ning, Noveniber 19, the group will meet in the choir rooni at the church where F. D. Frisbie of New Trier High school will present a travel- .ogue, the subject of which will be "Having Fun in Europe." On Wednesday before Thanksgiv- ing, at 7:15 o'clock, members wifl for "Blue Elonie Week" book of gpedaI recipes. The~y wii. hé sent you free. 6351 Green Bay, Road Phione Wilmette 10 Rteg. 179.50 - Special ai 006O Reg. 69.50 Special ai 6000 Li a3 wei and Mrs.1 avenue. tor vo(