Solected Or Made fo Orcier IU AWn ILLIflERY 1 152WiImef, Ave. TJRST CHURCH 0F CHRISTi SCIENTIST Tenth Street and Central Avenue. WI.LMETTÈE, ILLINOIS Sunday, Servics-1 i a.m.. Wednesday--Tesimonia M 77ng8 pm Sunday School Exercises-9 :45 a. NOVEMBER 12, 1939 Subfrct: MOR TALS AND IMMOlITALS R~EADING ROOM-1133 Central Avenue Open~ Daily 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Wednesday 9 A.M. tO 7-4 P.M. Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other audiorized Cliri sti>an Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Roorn. cubic, ulflpfLu.U instead of The new, rate structure will be comparable to the old, however, and, in .addition, there is to 'be a .10 per cent. reduction on bils paid. within 30 days of rendering. SThe trustees also_ passed, an amendmnent to the building code pro-, hibiting direct connections between attached garages and thé basernents of houses. This, it was explained, was donie to iiminate a* fire hazard. Hallowe'en àa "Dlsgrace"; Village Trrustee' Harold F.. Tide- man., 138 Abingdon avenue, led a discussion o! the -council on the dep- redations o! children and youths.'of thelNorth Shore in KeniLworth on Hallowe'en night, as wel as on the evening before. He declared the sit- uation was a disgrace to the village. Several instances. were cited of dam- age to private and public property and. it was suggested that an- at- tempt be made to enlist the support 'of citizehns in à safe and sane Mal- lowe'en program next year. 1Because o! the special election on t)ecember .5 to MIl the offices of, president and trustee, the councîl voted to adjourn until the evening of that day to canvass the vote in- stead of -holding a meeting on the regular first Monday. BREAKS LIGHT POST *At 2:50 a.m. Tuesdayvý Police 0fw. *1 Mathew Francis Photo > The Mothevr' eclub of S. Fran- cis Xavier school is looking for- ward with great interest to the next meeting «t which Dr. Martin H. Seifert (above) will sp eak on ',The Role the Health, Depart- ment Plays' in. the Protection of Your Child." The meeting wiUl be held in the school hall Friday, November 17, at 2 o'clock. Dr. Seifert will speak at 2:30. P.T.A. BOARD MEETING The Central-Laurel Parent-Teach- er association board of directors wil] hold its nionthly meeting Tuesday, ;ALL-URPOS SHORFNIG Novemnber 14, at 7:30 p.m. i the Il- brary of the Stolp sehool w