PrestonSesslonsStudio The above picture of Postmaster Herbert L. O'Connell snd hi$ capable staff will serve to give Wdlmette villa gers an ldea of thze per- sonnel reqtdred to handle the business of its post office. UnfortunateLzg, nine of the emplotjees were absent when the photograpli was taken, so the fulfl complement of assistants cannot be sliotn. It is to these people tftat commendiltg due for the, rp eandehemn ,ner in, wh$efa- local mail is received, ch. patclzed and deflvered. To thein also mutt go credit for' the tact tliat at the iast inspection of the office, held re- cently, it won a rating of 97.7 per cent perfect. The names and positions of those in the picture are as follows: Engineers........ 10 .444 Torpedoos .............. 5 13 .278 Hlgh team serles: Marines, 2973; .high team game: M~arines, 1035; hlgh idi- vidual series: Lippen, 577l; high indi- vidual game: H. Gould, 216. Gaines over WOý> M. eu0ldý -M1 L*, dbC*r g, 27;ip- pen. 203. Next Friday wiIl finish the flrst quarter of the season or the first hait of the first section. Each team will have piayed every other tearn in the league once and will start the second round the following week, which also happens to be Turkey night. With ,S7dmer SquaJ Miss Claudia Eckert and her Shawnee Country club .<Wlmette> swimming team wiII make their an- nual appearance at Frances Shimer college, Mount Carroll, Ill., Saturday night, November Il. Her father, George Eckert, wiIl accompany the group and announce events. The con- test between. Frances Shimper and