TWeQ.e ROOMS, ONE DULE. $i 11OLTN27-tp WARM, SINGLE BOOM IN'QUXÉT private bomne. 1 bloek to transportation, 347 Park Avenue, Glencce. Gleu .coe 8. 11OLTN27-tp LARGE NEWLY DECORATEI) ROÔM. with: good sized clothes cloiet. Near transpor-tation. Wilmette 293. l16LTN27-ltp LIGHT, WARM, FURNISHED ROOM. Hot water at ail tnmes. 3 blocks to transportaion. Cali Wilrnette 3132. 116LTN2-Itp COMFORTABLUI FRONT BOOM. GEN- cati e arrng .116LTN2ltp ROOM FOR 2 -ITH PRIVATE BATH. Also room for one or two. Near, trans- portation. Wilmette 2255., Il RfT N297.1 h TO) S XT4~ OOM APARTMENT. 89M Linden avenue. Hubbard Woods; Avallable uow. Sec butiter. Apt6.o cail Winnetka 4M8. 12L27lt 133 m FO ENr-Hàu"sES EAST KENILWORTH BECAIDSE 0FOPTM LOCATION AND nelghbors and the fact the home-itself la s0 lovely, se this outstandlng renta! at 23M Oxford- Rd. A br. Col. with 5 deliihtful, bedrms., 3 baths, open scr. and htd. sunpch. AUinh A-i condition, and best of aIl a 2-yr. lease wth no sales clause mnay be had. Also offered for. Dec. 1 occpancy 1s an adorable fr. Col. at 226 Oxford Rd. 3 bedrms., 1 ,ý batha, lge. sun rm. Reason- able.Be SEARS, REAL ESTATE 421 Richmond Road A¶enilworth SMlè 13LTN27-ltc 565 DREXEL AVENUE AHOME DIN THE WOODS JY2ffl. OLD BURR OAKS-I ANOA AVIE RE THE SET'I. forthi atracivecolonial.. 9 rms., 31,k baths 5 cor garage. Chauffeur's apt. Caretaker s bouse. Located u t 5 mh u s drive 0' the station and 40Minutes to> dowtn Chicago. Avail- able wt 5t 60 acresat a substautial- riereduction for immediate sale. houe for anapitent. Your présent home mightbe accpted a part pay- ment.I Henry G. Zander& Co. 110 S. Dearboru St. Randolph 2300 OR YOUR OVIN BROKER. 14'JLN27ltp DON'T B3E GRQWIED Into a small apartnient or smati rooms, when you cau live in tis fine ýroomy home of 5 bedrooms. and 3 baths. Sleeping porch, library, sewing groom, wide front porch, landseaped lot 84x200 feet with many beautiful trees. Worth .much more than the askiug prie of baths, also tiiere la space for niaida nu., and, bath on Srd floor. Attached garage. H.W.0. heat. Present owner now per- manently Iocated out oif territory. .Cart for an apipt. to see It soon.- Price $17.,00. R. B. WHITAKER CO.* 14dreen Bay Road, Winnetka Winnetka 3250 'Rogers Park-7302 147L=N27-1t DIRT CHEAP' For almost grnd. value-plus a most substantial home, Ige. liv. & >din. rms.,, 5 bdrmns., slp. pch., 2 baths on a 75" lot, beau. wded. Within 2 blks.- of' the lake. Con- sîdering price wlth oly10% down paymnt. bal. over long term can hardly afford to pay rent. Let us show you this un. uually attract. offening THE BILLS REALTY, Ine. 510 Davis St. Gre. 116 147LTN27-ltO $43 Per Month Rent THIS IS AIL IT COSTS YOU TO LIVE in this modern Colonial home in the choice lceniiworth Garden section of W11mette. Youf total payments Including the principal are only $75 mo. We are offering this 7 rmn. home at a new low price of $9,750. It is spick and span with fine trees and lawn on a lot that cannot, bc druplicated at less than $3,500. Call iM. Pomeroy. ELMER E. STULTS, Inc. M6 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800