Enjoy these fine guaranteed, Holland bWlb next Spring hy placing your~ order today. Seveiusy-five varieties te cheeme front. Thirty-five years Imporsere of Fine flolland Buibs. loin eur 2,000 patrons on te Northt Shore who nôw enjoy our fine, guaranteed Holland bulbs. Ph.e Winm.tIw 3282 Fee DelUvery Open Evenwmgs and Sunsy S,. How Money Crows Wken Invested SYSTE MATI CALLY Month by -Monthl GET ACQUAINTED PARTY Mike.. A party! 0 boy, when and where? Ike:, Atý 4:30 tomnorrow afternoon at Cômrnunity Center. Mik e: What kind of party ar e they going to have? .Ike: They cali it a "Get Acquaint- ed party." You know, corne and meet the old gang and also the new 'gang. Mike:,-, Swell, let's tell Joe and Johriie. î know they would like to go. Ike: They are going to have guess- ing contests: like how many beans in a bottie, how many seeds on an ear of corn. It. sounds like a swell p.arty. to me. Mike: Any eats? Ike: 0f course, who ever heard of a party without eats. They are going to have a pop-corn feast, and boy 0 boy, do 1 love pop corn!., Mike:.That'r, ail I warit to know. See you tomorrow at 4:30. «"LET IT RAIN-LET IT JPOUR" Forty girls between the ages of 10 and 13 turned out last Thursday evening for the season's first gym- nasium class. Whether it be raining or a snow storm theyare waiting for the doors to open at 7. This ciass is very popular, with a.varied program of marching, gymn- nastics, volieyball, kickball, social games, and folk dancing. Every girl in WiI»iette in the sixth, seventh and eighthL grades is cor- dially invited to attend this class, STORY BOUIL 1A 8*0ry ~Hour will be held Wednes- day afternoon fromn 3:30 and 4:31). Children of ail ages are invited to attend this hour of fascinatrng stories. HANDICRAFT Classes in papercraft, basket weaving and miscellaneous handi- craft were formed during the past week. *A papercraft and basket weaving * class will be held for girls urxder 12 years of age, Monday .from 3:30 to 5. Basket weaving conjures up un- told hours o! pleasure. Handy items such as wastebaskets, button bask- kets and flower baskets have beeri started by the boys and girls. There is a small fee for maklng these baskets. Now is the Urne to start rnaking, your Christmas gifts. A most treasured gift is a handmnade gift. A class in Handcraft is held on Wednesday fromn 4:30 to 5:30 for chiu- dren under eight. The children have already started to tbinlc in terms nt BOSCH WALLPA-PER & PAINT col