The contents were broken,anid impd, So most> of +hem weni down *ho, sink; Aquality name on o quality pack Saves mon.y for .peopl. who think. These'Quality Values for November 9, 10 & il: Include Our Regular Free Houri y Pelivery KEINZ TOMATO Iofe '39c SUGAR- Fine granulàted 10 lb.. 55C $0»A Ainercan FarnlIy bar 5 HARVUST SALE an~d ~dmsrnu$ati of- H.inz soups and many etiter ifers. Corne in, see ani sample. HEINZ SADY FOOI)S 3 for 15 c BUTTER Boit Rol COFFEE Manor Houme Staff Photo. Under the supervision of.Superintiendent Peter Bernard, the lest slab of concrete on'the tzet pav:ng for Central*,avenue, Wilmette,. went into place at noon Wednesday of tast. week, at'the corner of Eleventh street., The stretch which eendf rom that point west to Park avenue through the main business district of the village, is to be open to traffic next WVednesday, according to the present, achedulei j Il TheL work on the $34,000_projec Lmus-E Lr wnin uwere t.aten nusmeV viflage's share of the state motor fuel tax revenue, has been done by the Municipal Paving company of Oak Park. It was necessary to lay 8,100 square yards of concrete, and it was said this week that it will be many years before the street will have to be resurfaced. The work, which resulted in the formation of a 4'KurbstoiÂ,e Ribitzers' Klub," similar to Winnetka's "Grade Separation Watchers," 'has been done in a com- paratively brief tl»e' by the, con- tractor, even allowing for delays due to bad weatlier' ~t, J 4 ~ LO~ IJ1fl12dYO In Schedule Time 0f Sunday Train Suburban. train No. 852 of the Chi- cago and North ýWestern, operating between Waukegan and Chicago and on Sunday only, has been placed on a new schedule. The. train now leaves Waukegan at 5:05 p.m. in- stead of 5:43 p.rn. and arrives in Chicago at 6 Moving up of the 4departure time enables passengers to inake connections ini Chicago with the Streamliners which 4epart at 6:15 p.n., the Corn King Limited leaving at 6:25 and the Duluth- Superior Limnited leaving at 6:15 p.m. The new schedule of No. 852 out of Waukegan is as follows: Leave Wapkegan....5:05 P.M. Lake Forest.....5:18 P.M. *Highland Park..5:25 P.M. Glexicoe ............ 5:31 P.M. Wlnnetka......... 5:35 PM. Wilrnette......... 5:39 P.M. flvanston .........5:43 P.M. Centraa# miTWelft Wliume FNou Meuol.5v.' y - Ton Phones - UA fhity Charge Ace.uafu r--r,- California Valencia ORANGES. 21 doz. .39c Michigan Appt.. -JONATHANS. 5 l'bs. 25c Texs Seedles GRAPEFRUIT ... 6 for 29C ME E == 7= wM M- . uL ý ý a - IÏ6 4- ý 'J' Ï. . j7.r.,:w 77-M We-T zl Z l VI ý Z Z Zl, VII ý kýw7 VI -eý 7 Z Z, -7-Z Zol ilr "rj-lRjý