And Mer Fiance Entertaining commenced 1 a s1 week for Miss Gertrude Matthews, daughter 6f Mr. and Mrs. Benjanili H. Matthews, 319 Essex road,.Keni- ilworth, and Wilard K. Jaques h son of Willard WI. Jaques and.the .,are to be married Saturday,. Novemi .ber l8, at 4:30 o'clock lai the, Kenil. worth Union church. Miss Elizabeth uin1an 'o!,WIl- mette ehtertained at a luncheon Tuesday of!elst week,' and Mis. Lindsay Beaton of Evanston at a luncheon on Thursday. Sunday, Mr.. and Mrs. Donald *M. Wood, Jr., of Evanston were host and hostesat a cocktail party. Next Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Kari M. Schmid o! High- land Park wifl have a cocktail par- Miss Ruth Johnison of Kenilworth 18 to be hostess at a spinster diner Monday everilng, November 13, and on Tuesday, Niovember 14, Mrs. Thomas C. White (Esther GruIee of Evanston), the matroax o! honor, will entertain. The sixteenth«the John L. Haverkamps are lxaving an evenlng party, and Wednesday o! that week Miss Katharine Brothers of Evans- ton and Miss Mary 'Swissler of Riv- er Forest. wilI be ci-hostessentn2 bas pranned a walking . rehearsal - o the play, ".Such As j Am", The lead- ing part will be taken by* Mrs. Ropss Moyer. The others in the cast wil be Mesdames John C. Mlllet t, Robert Fletcher, Prèderick Taylor, .and Miss Molly *Elias. Mns. Glen S Roberts, president of the gulld, has. called -a> board meeting in the ýchurch Parlor, at 11:30 o'clock. The. luncheon is being' served by the. North. End circle of which Mrs. Paul ' is chairmhan. for Garden 'Study Group -au £we!bJAA1 Di. DLLeV. ivrs. Wil- liam MIe, Who has charge of the program, has chosen the topic for discussion, "Indoor Plants andi Gar- den Glfts. 1 To Marry Y Sets Novembe'r 18 for Wedding Day Miss Martha Mmn Huif and Dr. Eugene Pleasants. Odurm, son of: Prof. and Mmà. Howard W. 'Odumn of Chape! HUI, N. C., are, to be mhar- ried là, a home wedding on Satur- * day evening, November1,a*h reience of the bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Huif, 70W Wash- ington, avenue, Wilmette. The cere- mony wili be performed at 8:30 o'clock by -the Rev. John G. Hindley, Pastor of the ýWilmette Congrega- tional, church, and will be followed. by a recept1on., Miss Mary Franices Odumn of Chap- 1el Hill,' sister of the bridegroomh, is to be the maid of honor, and Dick Fay of 'Chicago will Serve as, best man. Miss Odumn was the' room- mate and a sorority sister of the bride at the *University of Illinois. Thr e-a- n -e- aýfyea -ol Ann Leian - bacher of Joliet, c ousin of the bride, has been chosen fiower girl. There will be no bridesmaids but ini their place fifteen Young women, friends of the bride and sorority sis- ters, wilI stretch ribbons to form an alsle for the ceremoeiy. The grqup of fifteen wlll include Miss Mary Jean Lewis of Wilmette, Mrs. Lar- rY Wood of Ravinia, Mrs. Fred Buckley of Arlington Heights, Miss Davis, in Evanston on Friday, No- Vember 17. That evèning the bride's parents will give the bridal dinner at Glen Vlew Golf club. *The wedding will take place at the Kenilworth Union church at 4:30 o'clock in the aftemnoon, the Rey. Herbert L. Willett, pastor, officiat- ing. Immediately following there will be a reception at the Matthews home. q-ffluII.g, Mare 41. 1&T14f ai; 7543 Kingston avenue on the south side in Chica go. Their wecl4ing took place October 21, at the Bryn Mawr Community1 churcli in Chicago. The bride groom Z*é tieson of Mr. and Mrs. Selim N. Tdeman of, 1025 Linden avenue. The girls in the glroup Who are sorority sisters include Frances Dur- gee o! Charleston, 111. Dorotby Hos- tetier of Sterling, il*.', Jili Pitts of MeLean, IIIl., Mafgaret Kung 0f Ur- bana, and Dorothy Weaver of Tus-* cola, 111., Mr. Odum and his bride are to' make their home in Rensselaerville in New York state. me year. iiversity, Ifrom lis n was of 'Ite the* ,ee next ided the and threl hool of.1, nnhesota. ineapo- versity