Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Nov 1939, p. 44

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Tuesday Aflemoon fo Se. Uevoed fo Progrom on 8oys; Arden Shore Chorus l'o Si On November .1M, Judge J. M. Braude will »Peak 'before the Neigh-ý bora of Kenllworth, the title of lits subject to.be, ."I Like Bad Boys."- Judige Brýaude of the Boys' Court of Chicago was boni in Chicago, -and educated, I the public .uchooW .He was graduatsd !rom the Coilege of Literature, Science, and Arts of the University, of Michigan, with, the de- gree 9o! Bachelor of Arts.. He re- ceived the degree o! Doctor of Jur- isprudence from the University of Chicago Law school in- 1920 and à lso took a - post-graduate course at ýNorthwestern university Law school. Considered a forceful, fluent speak- er, Judge J. M. Braude inspires and stimulates audiences o! both men~ and women wherever he appears. I- formna1, modest,_ yet w4ith theauUor- ity of tacts and experience, be pre- sents a searcing picture o! adoles- cent youth that lias won hlm nation- wide attention. His ideas are practical. Hie deals with youth from a constructive point of vlew. Hie reaches the heart of every listener whose son or daugli- ter lu o! adolescent years, audiences t have declared. liasa Urge WiImette Women fo, Join Red Cross Unit Last Mondanv the R1 raA *ftIa at 8«'dock, at the homne o~ f rs. Rudolph Reiser, 525 Ridge road, Kenilworth. Dr. Charles E. Galloway will give atravel talk, accompanied by movies, of "The Eldorado Radium Mine," whlch is sltuated on, Great Bear lake, Northwest Territories, Canada, near the Arctlc circle. Doc- tor Galloway,,who made the tripi February 1938 ' was- accQmpanied by Harrýy Snyder, a director o!. the- mine, , Dr. H. C. Parmelee,. former presidento! the.Sehool o! Mines, Col- orado unversl*ty, and Gilbert La- Bnho:dtscovered the mine. Doc- tor Galloway also. includedi his travels- in Canada a trip to the Cop- per mine on Coronation gui! in the Arctîc ocean., Re took 1200 feet of film during hià trip. Following the programn, a business session will be conducted by Mrs. W. H. Heise, president. A social hour with refreshments will conclude. the meeting. irs. Ray Oughtt»i and Mrs. Charles Murphy will be co- hostesses. CircIe Meets' A meeting o! the Cozy Corner clrcle of the Wilmette Congrega- tonal church was held Tuesday, NIovember 7, at the home of Mrs. Frank C. Huffman, 1311 Mapie ave- .8 ] Bridge Citib Hostess Mrs., Philip Jiuguenin, 506 Lake avenue, was hostess to the members o! the Tuesday club -at luncheon and cards at Shawnee club, Tuesday of this.week. PoganY Portrait Saveli Walevitch,Russi au tenor declared -by crit:cs to be an an- tist of the frt ral3k,'tvhose music réf lecta "the uge-long tortatred saut of Mighty Russia" will be th W t t h affteron pro- gram of the Woman'a Club of Wlmette on the occasion of its ,zext all-day meeting Wednesday, Novembe,. 15. Novel Toucli WIII Be Style Show at - .-- T .. vc-.> it £Lmsic, WAJ. constitute the next meeting o! the fine arts department of the Wom- an's Catholic Club o! Wilmette Fr1- day afternoon of this week at theý Woman's club at 2 o'clock. Models for that.fashion show, done i the "grand inanner" of world famous modistes, will include club At Woman's Club ExIibit of Sooki 1. Be on V.w Next Wednesd.y Durig Program Wh;dh Inlu.d<s Rusion Tenor Booký week wil! be cel ebrated at the opening hour of the Novemfber 15*program o!the. Woman'sClub of ~.Wilmette wlth a sale. o! books. A Chicago :store will against brinig 200 or 300 books new and old- for examination. Miss Lottie K. Bro' o! the revieWing staff. will discuss the valuable, new adult books while Mrs. Kenneth B. McA!ee, the club's litera ture chairman, ýwill suggest tChristmas ehoices in junior book. William Moore o! the promotion de- par tment wlll be in charge. of sales, and may be conisulted during the noon hour. DI¶ fBergen Evans, assoclate pro- fessor of Engllsh literatt*re at North- western university, continues'his se. ries o! lectures at 11:30. This. one will be about "Shakespeare." Lunch, w h ich, la served at 1 o'clock, will be a "surprise party."1 Mrs. Virgil Wescott, social chair- man, announces that there will be a gitt for each woman at the table. Reservations for the luncheon must Mrs. Edgar A. F'ellers o! the de- partmrent Of music will have charge of t h e afternoon programn at 2 o'clock, to be given by Saveli Wale- vitch, Russian tenor. "«He is an art- ist 'of the first rank with a voice soft and tender or harsh and loud as the mood of the song dictates, and in his mnusic is felt the age long tortured soul of Mighty Russia," critics state. His interpretativeý gits are considered reniarkable. their own sand- is erved at nooga. 1A. the afternoon will Tracey and Mrs. 'tnent of the club o! whhc Var4. Miller is chairmnan.

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