Sinat.Intrhnned Bgr S1-The chic, simplicity of -an untrimmred coat is viewed: in this one of Bagaru an all-wool nubby .mfaterial. Intricate lunesý merging into a back panel* ne a thS box style.. Warmly interlined. Coal' prices are rising. Woolens, io. 1Bca4 o0 industrial cotidifions aIbroad, and shipping hazards on t-he high seos, impo d wôolens are becomning dear and scarce.-Whaf the prces cf furs may e f o is anyone's guess...Ifyo waht a winter coat at normal pricebuy nicand a ods uigNvme Coat Week you cati choose from wonderful ortments whch, thusfr r n ffc %ed yjHemarke acondiions...Com i and try on someofIeebau tiful coats.. Note th. wonderful woolens, 1h.erellOIent I inings, h Ivsh us ery coaf is perfetto th. last detail,--styled J:id prced'for fashion-coénscious budget-minded womnen. Now Cane'sfairPooCoat 1l-Casulness atifus besi- the polo'ca t, a, self- assured style, that's simple- with..goodlojoking stitchng for detail, and Jeather buttons. Clean cut uines, swanky slash pockéts, in IÔO"/% camel's haïr, and wool. 3510e WineWooI, Eitdh, Trhn 2-Dyed fiich-luxurious on wine wool-bands your sleeves and i-ucks under your chin -o flatter your face. You'Il like the fi- o this coat, i-he way t'5 perfect for any occasion. lnterlined. 5995, BudgetPriceTwee d 3-Gaterry tweed iýn a mixture of sofi-, blending shades, i -be kind of a coat you'il wear everywhere ...the price thai- will increase y.our budget rather i-han ruin t! Box style wii-b clever iucks ai- the shoulderline. 1 » A Eurred 4 Buried way up i-o Evanston. 5-,double breasted reefer to môke you trim and ýrther militai-y. . . i-ailored so perfectly as 4) fit your gaey figure flawlessly. A inibby mati irial, well irterlined, 50 Ht's warm as well as b. j79s aginoor Aa Gay Young Tweed rns in muskai--i 6-) tweed, bright wii-h colors, typifies a Petite's Ipaca material of alI-'t und coat for si-reei- wear. Fauttlessly tai- Qors featured in lorectio hang as perfeci-ly as any boxy style you ivly ai- Lord's in everi sawl Youi-hfulness 'ati-ts smartesi- besi-! 5995 Sizei9 to 17. j9 Coats -Sec»nd Floto 17~~ Novelty Wool& squiýrei 8-Squirre---soft, silky, rich-frames a-Peti-e's face i-o give her that naive charmn she, seeks! Fitfed i-o hug your li-be young figure . . . made up inl a novelty wool material tbats i-he las+- word in srnartness. USE AY /. ~&ON -~ -~ ww1r1r -r-' -l'A wl-M -i~-~A~ A A A mon SATUI 1 1 LVAWON iramâ