Jf's reaiIly Surprising to know what beautiful and dependa6i. furs one may buy at such moderato prces of .ord S . .. Fuis for 'which you'd expect to pay several dolars more *.- Can'ftfell where prices wiII go lafer, fhough-that's why we advise- you fo buy NOWI HudsoisSeau I -You'll want to be the proud possessor of. tus lovely Hudson Seal- (dyed muskrat) coi4t youll love the satiny. sheený to the perfa4ctly, ,matched peits .- the warmfithis coat lias!ý In yourý favorite boxy style. 199'00 Rich Mrmot p 2-Luxurious and 'simplyamnazngo n d otle4-Muskraf this et onywhere* near thiis price! Marmot, makesa blended to resemble rnink, is flattering with isf0îik rïc rw.BXsye mandari seeves. velously! 13500 Furs- Second Floor BUY YOUR WINTER FURS ON OUR BUDGET PLAN.. 1/5 down, balance in 3 equal monthly payments, no c a r r y i n g charge. smort Chubbies 3-Chubbies- have neyer been. more popular.w ih, the younge.- crowd than they are. this year > it's Po wonder-they're so versatile. This is ini the very néw Lascan, Mouton that loolks like sheared beaver. Dyed ,Muskrait i-dyed to -lookc like the twin of sable- a rich'elegant Iooldn.g coat. The ikins are i shiny and soverY soft as to tailor mnar- y! Box style at 14900 I~'~1.1 -~ - - ~~wEp-~v- - -w - SHOP 'TIL 9 p.m. THURSDAY AND SATU RDAY i N i 4 I 4 7- wlw- -'w . , - wqw-