LiIevroiet 1 sai bargain, for it is the best car the* company bas ever produced,. i t i s fairly pricedand the excellent' Chevrolet service' facilities of 8,500 dealers are at the disposai of own-ý (Dormie> .ers. B. C. Wailng Durign14an y Manager, Ville years this iC com- a, G.lfD a >ad, pany has* led the Wlhette iiidustry inceue- tomner favor with sales fasr ahead of competitors and there are now more thun 7,000,00 Chevrolet owners, Their curiosifr wiUl be aroused by the statementIxhat the 1940 car is companyý- y know.what high standards'61 value the comnpany has given inUie past. The m'ajority of the 27,00 automotive owners in this countr~y Mmuaily indict great interest ith1*,oduct o! e leader of the indus* and this year ;ýthat interest will ho greater than ever for it heu been talked around that Chev- rolet will have its greatest car. and servlcing.7 Several years ago, tis cofrapany instituted thorough, schooling of the entire personnel In servlcIng the new modela lonë be- fore' the new modela appeared MI' the ha]=di of owners. Mfore than 25,000 experts in the C4hevrolet dealer stores have been schooled to service the new 1940 modes. Pontiac to Fore, And Rýa1 Comfort. .Comparative figures showing the tremendous strides taken tht: year in Improving the roominess and com- j rt f motor car bodies have been lhn ia yoffcials of the" Fiher, Soydvision of General Môtors ini conneetion w i t h the annou.ncement of the new Pon- tiac modela for 1940, dispiayed at Lewis Motor Sales, 552 L i n - coln avenue, Win- ped> 8 body, flot only is the largest of the unisteel, turret, top, type ever produced' for Pontiac, but yîthout. question Is the strongest. Sides of the passenger tompartmnent below thle wlndow level are double waits. of steel, formed by iusing the imer, and outer panels together.> Ch rysi-er DeuJer. Servicwe Rating. In recognition of exceptional exieeï lence in the equipment, personnel and operation of the Service départ-1 ment, Aero. Motors,_Chrysier, and1 road., Wimette, bas been awerded a ratlng of 100% by the Fajetôry. A handsom3 walnut Spaque with .bronze shield and -jornaments, e m - blematic of this honor, has been presented to, this Aero Mo tors on recommendation o! the factor y- district, sales. manager and 'the reglonal- service manager after a thorough personal inspection o! the establishznent. Ini order to attain it, the -Northý Shore. dealer showed aperfect average in- each oft the 10 points lnto which the service requirements are divided. They arë. as fIollows: Servic and Parts departmnents were found to be dlean and orderly itnd to indicate good mnanagement. The premises are attractivel-ypaint- edd paint work is kept dlean and bright. The personnel is equipped. with standard working garments, kept clean and presentable. The ap- proved service sign Is on display. The factory approved list o! essential tools are on hand i good order and a'.pair and madeaalb tal service personnel. The dealer main- tains a stock of parts adequate to the service of his potential custom- ers. Shop manuals and factory bulle- tins are properly filed and available to al personnel. The Lubrication department is dlean and orderly, and included among its equipment are a hoist and the necessary guns toper- form a satisfactory lubricating job. The dealer maintains an active owner foilow-up system and uses it J-.ý otor Sa1eà rs 'e--n- sweeping lines and modern overel152LiconAvenlue Steel- turret top styling of the body. In looks alone J W1nÈnetka bodies b uilIt by the car lu eal>argain- at its price and Fisher for the 8-cylinder Pontiac ail dealers and salesmen who have models were lengthened six inches seen it have shown more enthusiasin and widened 6ý/46 inches. at first sight than for any previous Make Great Strides model. They say it is whet the dis- Previous increases, however, be- tomer wants i beauty and stylig corne insignificant ithe light of fig- for it incorporatýés the expressed de- ures covering the new'mrodels, heads sires of owners. o! the body-building organization 194 Chevrolet Special be Luxe Sport Sedarn Plaqe an'shield highest honor a manufacturer can (Dernie) a re signed b y conter on one of its dealers," said H.H. Bradshaw C. L. Javobson, Mr. Bradshaw of Aero Motors. vice-president in "Naturally ail members of our or-, charge of sales, and W. A. Hilman, aiainaevr ru htw 'service manager of the Chrysier di- have deserved it and very deter- vision, Chrysler corporation. mined to warrant its renewal year. The rating was conferred upon after year. DeSàLoto S pare Accessible the I rlght 0f the diiuei. eV