Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Nov 1939, p. 19

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The Mercury has entered Its sec- ond year with the presentation of the 1940 cars. Its first year. record was unique. Thret months after its introduction it be- carne. one of. the flrst, ten cars in - sales. Before the year ended Merý - cury cars were in the, han's of 60,- 000 owners. -The new Mercury is displayed at Ace - ~\ Motor Sales, Inc. ~I\435 ,Green Bay - road, .Wilmette, A. C. Lynch A. C. L ynrchli owner. The 1940 Mercury is a car. of striking beauty, withgra.cefully fiar- ing chromiumn grilles, beautifully molded hood and smoothly stream-, lined body and rear deck. Interior styling treatment is in colorful blue anid silver tone. Threa are many engineering improvemients including a finger-tip gearshift on thre steering colurnn, new sealed-bearn head- lamps and a new torsion bar ride- stabilizer wbich helps to control side. sway and enables the car to take corners or negotiate rough roads on an even keel. A~New Convertible Sedan Anew convertible sedan appears a mong the five body types.. Other types, are the town sedan (four doors),. sedan (two doors), sedan- coupe and club convertible. The flrst. four are, six-passenger cars. Thre club convertible seats five. Its top raises and lowers automatically. There is a choice o! eight attractive body colors. The instrument panel in blue and silver tone, provides thre key for thre car's interior styling. A new straight- line speedometer, gages and head- light beam indicator are grouped in front of thre two-spoke steering wheel. A chôi ce o! uphosteries is. avail- able-either blue-gray weave broad- clotir or two-tone Bedford cord ini closed, cars, saddle-brown or red antiqiue finished genuine~ leather in, -The Mercury 8 sedain for: 1940 la. a big, TooTny family' car, wvith ample eat ortsix* to ride comforta-bly.. Yo 'ng childreicin. be carried in thre rear compartment awav from door handles. The front seat ýbaclc swings inwar d as it 1tipa forward to provide entrance ýto thre rear. A new .ftnger-tip gearshif t on the steering column la, fast and easy to operate and'contributes to an unusually qetrid.Ohr:voe ments are a torsion bar ride-stabilizer and controlled all-weather ventilation. ~Grerzg Auto ~hiv Thrills Crowds At Amphitheatre All roads are leading tis week to thre 4th Annual Chicago Automobile Show, wirich got off to a flying start laut Saturday- -and willl- continue through Sunday, November 12, in thre International Amphitireatre, Halsted and 43rd streets. Tire show is open dally from il' a.m. to Il p.m. Thre television demn- onstrations get under way at thre opening hour and continue until 2 p.m. Then, at 3:30 o'clock, the cen- tral arena stage production, "~Dame Fashion," is .presented for 45 min- utes on a grand scale. From 6 to 8 p.mn., it's television again, and ai 9 o'clock cornes the evening performance of "Damne Fashion." Throughout the mnorning, afternoon and eeniigthere's fascination ga- lore in the>exhibits, each a show in itself, with the'new cars, new trucks, used cars, accessories, trailer coach- es and special displays holding at- tention. More than 400 cars, trucks and trailers, along With accessory and educational displays are assembled in this $3,000,000 auto show, wbich lu recognized as thre industry's premier levent.and a high compliment to thre Chicago Autom~obile . Trade associa- tion, thé sponsormng organization.. Al4ve witir animation throughout, thre show ificludes thre new cars on thre entire second floor, and the new trucks, late model used cars, trailer coaches, motor boats, accessoriés and special exhibits oni the Ilrst floor. Leaders o! the industry agree with the general public, which lu turning., out in record riumbers, tirai this auto show tops al. previous efforts in thriils provided to the crowds. vancect teatures. It is displayed at Ace Motors, Ine.,:4U5 Green Bay road, Wilrnhette., Thre fundamental charaterist4e of its construction .- thée unit-body- anid-frarne -,which sets it apart f rom othfer cars, isretained. But thre Structure has been completely, rade-. signed and improved to. provide added cornfort, safety and driving pleasure. Thre, new 'car ,lu larger, more beaUtiful and More Powerful. The -bodies are entirely new, substantial- ly longer and wider. Initeriors are More. roony 'ail around and Seèats are wider t han foirm-erly*. A -new finger-tip gearshift on thre steering. Post below thre wheel provides sub- stantialiy more Passenger roomli the front compartment. Thre Liolaa4ephyu -elways -ha been noted for permitting good driv- ing vision but thre 1940 car has 22 per cent more glass area. Thre wlnd.. shield, unb»,oken by a Middle sup- port, is deeper and has 105 square înches additional glass area. Win- dows are substantiaily wider and deeper. Thre large rear window lu of one-piece tempered glass curved to thre body lines. Application Blanks Are Now Available Application blanlçs for 1940 auto- mobile licenses were madle available this week throughou t the state. In releasing thre blanks and openlng thre season on license plates, Secretary of State Edward J. Hughes pointed out that December 1 lu thre deàdline for the rnotorist to Indicate that lie wishes to retain bis license number of the current year,. After tirai lirsi corne first served. Lcompletely, thre 7maý*et above the low price ition to thee Une f or 'ttext vear and held to carlzs al141 h. p. m'#oandis built oua itures thre 1940 cars.

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