IF YOLJLIKE to get in on the. good thinge early, . me.the. 1940 De Luxe Ford V-8 now! It's a 8tili fler, car than last year'8 great Ford lu no lois than 22 important ways!1 TheWs' a fine-car look to it at the. curb. A fine-car feel to it at tihe wheel! in-a ride inside, and fine-car luxury, throughout . If you'dIike to own a car that will b.e~eaid.. and make an investment you'il be proud of. to... Stis great new Ford car today! rie.sier haain", mn a»"uchmore lwuu ari uswhan New froa»t ivw l ni rvetlladîon eubefore. lier. are»o lesç coutrol thn22 15fPmDP<Ilt1940 imiajv@. -NewInstrument paneh ;new: mento,,sckudug: -2-q»k steering wheel Cîiaflrv Wafa1 aemo . lLaoavu..m. Improwed'oprlange nd chassie s;abillzing ona!! 85 h.p. anodels. New Sealed-Beanî heudlamp~s; bèiRa à Wdetôr où.aà h *eiw satMwnfr New finger4lip geaauhift on meeig coluum (<l model*, Iumpoved souadprooflng; Sîunnlng new interlor ricia- quiet., operauiuam ness :hroughout mdah n4y V-8 euine inanay low-priced cari k I 1111CIIPo KIiP oI/ FIT ILa lthe 1940 Fo'dl 435GRENRAY ROAD PHONE WILMEE535