* . 1-benuur choir renearsal CHURCH SCHOOLr The Church sehool will meet in one body at 9:30 Sunday morning in the chrhauditorium. Plans aire to be made ' or our ThanksgivJng -shàring. Mrs. L. A.. Bower, our church. representative té the Wilmette Wefare. will tell of some of thework they are doing. * AtAMICI DEI At5 o'clock Suniday afternoon in Pl- grim hall of the church we'l have a night of 'games, songs. andý fun, supplied by the *whole group. Sure to be a big night., Refreshments. KAPPA PI Par. Important meeting for high schoolers at 7 Sunday night. There will be'discus- sion.,and casting of play to be given' at Church Night dinner on December 7. Be sure to corne to try out for a part. We'll haveé refreshments and social hour, too. BOARD 0F TRLUSTEES So that some of the mrembers of the board of trustees may attend the Men's Fellowship Forum, the board wil ineet1 at 7:A5 Monday eVéng, Novemn6er i13, in the minister's study. This will be a budget meeting. NEW TRIER SUNDAY EVENING CLUB Senator Bennett Clark, of Mssouri-, will address the club Sunday, November 1?,, at 8 p.m. on "American Neutrality." WOMEN'S GUILD TeNorth End circle is sponsoring a book review on PFrday, November 10, at 10:15 in Pilgrirn hall in our churc*h Mrs. ,Henry Zander will discuss current events hom o Ms. FrnkH fman, 1311 Maple avenue, on November 14. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clocIç. The assistlng hos- tesses will be Mrs. Roland Anderson," Mrs. V. L. Brown, and Mrs. David Anderson. MEN'ýS FELLOWSHIP FORUM The, first meeting of the Forum. wilI take place Monday night. Novemnber 13; at 8 p.m. a? the b"mP' of Mr.,,Rnti Mrs. E. j . Meilraith, 1100 Greenwood avenue. Our new bass soloist, Harold Lovejoy, will sing for us. Eugene Benge ' an expert on vocational problems, will speak on "The Vocational Lag.- r13 meetingi be h Virgnia Knapp Processional 'See the Conqueror" .Smart Anthem- "0 Lord, How Manifold"...Barnby The Choiry Hyrnn-"He Leadeth Me"..Bradbpry OliÀon Hymn- "Lead Kindly Light"........ Dykés. Recessional- 'Jerusalem, the Golden ......... Ewing. Clare John Thomas, choirmaster 6:15 pan. Young People's club will meet at the church, to be takeni to St. Peter's church for their, evening ac- ti'vity. Winnetka Bible -Church 986' Elm Street Melvin M. Seguine. minisjter Winnetka 3039 Sunday, Novembier I2 9:45 a.m.-Bible school. Il a.m; - Morningà worship. Subjeet: "The Holy Spirit, Our Teacher." 5 p.m.-ýBîble F.ellowship grouv. "Pres-ý, ent Day 'Religious ýFallacles." Speakers: Esther Riek andEnar Nelson. S5 p.m.-Chrlstian Crusaders. Speaker: Rev. Howard Hermansen. 7:-30 p.m.-Organ meditations. 7:45 p.m.--Gospel service. Studying the book Or4IYs 4fovember 16 10:30 a.m.-Sewing circle meetings at the church. Corne and help us finishx-the clothing for our Christmas boxes. Bring your lunchr coffee wili be served. 7 p.m.-Tieacher Training class. .8 p.nm.-Hour of prayer and praise. LEASE KENILWORTH HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. L. Rosen and their two daughters, Elaine and Eu- nice of Chicago have leased the Hier- bert- Mesick home at 331 Essex road. SPEAKS IN EVANSTOTI Frederick Schuman, political sci- entist and. author of "The Nazi Die- tatorship, " wiU speak on. "Europe in the Shadows" before the Hillel Foundation at Norhwestern univer- sity November 30. The lecture will be given in the 'Great hall of the First Methodist church, Evanston, at 8 o'clock. a -- Much- botitr qualify thon you usually flnd - . ut thii Iow price. cn è4merican Home Quai UIFND Pz"~ C OEC or.ar o fe. *ln TIS * OIE~A5U 1No.2 C«S Co W6o. I&Z Keep Mi. Indeude tue. gernulne notirol vItomin capsules in the doily dl.ti You con aow bW a fooih's supply of Ihoe.vitomin capsule, et là of the forser price. Box OfC 30 usuè 1 Tuesday, November 14 l7 p.m.-Rehearsal for the boysi' ithe parish house. 8 .p.m.-Reheatsal for-the adult choir choir an i o te ueinaeer.i' rmber 18 - Illustrated s: "The Tundra Speaks." %omey.ý-2 :30 p.mn.>