Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Nov 1939, p. 14

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SERIVICES 9:15 a.m-First service. 9:30 a.m.-S-unday school and Bible class. 10:55 a.m.-Sunday school class for ehil. dren of three tofIve years. il a.m.-Second servie. The order of servie at il'o'clock willl fnclude the following:» Prelude- ý'«Hymn.of Glory".....Yon Introt-'Thoughts'of Peaoe and ,Not of £vil ..... . .. ...... Schmauck Anthem-"H'Ie Watching Over Israel" ............... .Mendelssohn Offrtorym-Prayer. ln A Pl1at. . .. Guilmant The Sermnon-"The 1Êeation Betwèen Church and State" ...MattheW 22:21, Postlude-Grand Choeur.àé.Frysinger Tt.s evenlng the Ladies' Aid gloCiety la sèrving Its annual Harvest Home- din- ner from. 5:30 b o7. Trhe Lutheran Hour, with Dr. Walter A. Mater, is -broWdcast every Sunday afternoon over ei ghty-one stations, the local outlet beling WCFL. 970 kc., at,3:30. It Is now belng preceded by the Chicago Lutheran Ilour at 3:15 on the sarne sta- tion. You are urged to tune in. MEETINGS A'ult caterhmn wla8e, today, -8 pm., in the pastor'. study. Sunday school staff, Friday, 8 p.m.. Children's Christian education classes.. Baturday, 9:30 a.m.; Wednesday, 4 p.m. Votlng members. Tuesday, at 8 p.m. Evenlng circle. Tuesday, wtth lWrs. M. Kaspar, 215 Fifteenth street. Children's circle, next Thursday, 1:30 p,,m., wlth Mrs. J. H. Gockel. .Martha Guild, next Thursday, 3 pa. Evangelical.Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf 'avenue ~iVCSflAgs erc e . ..S . ... .. ....-- - - zi The m-us ic for the services next Sunday Is as follows: Morning service- Prelude--Aadante" from Ist Sonata--------..Harweod Anthem-Come te Me. ..........Scot The Senior Choir11 Solo-I Lay M~v Sons on Jesus.Speaks Mrs. J.-H. Hopp Postludc-Maestoso, from Ist Sonata--------..Harwood Evenlng service- Prelude-Melody'froin .'Or»heus"---------------....Gluck Wilmette, ai 2 p.m. The Confirmation class meets on Thurs- day aftcrnoon at 4 o'clock. The Senior choir will rehearse on Thurs- day evenlng at 7*:30 o'clock. The Junior choir will.rehearse on Satur- day mhorning at 10 o'cock- UNION THAmcSGIVING SERVICE wlll be held 'in -our ,church on Thanks- glving Day at 10:30,a.m. Attend church on Thanksgivlng Day. lia pLia Ch,.gurch Wilmette.ahdi Forestaeus Rev. George D. Allison. pastor Tomnorrow (Friday) the W o m.an' s Society willhold its November luncheoni at 1 p.m., wllh Rev. Nîcholas Siberaikoif of the Chicago R ussian Mission as ýprinci- pal speaker. Before the luncheon Dr. AIli- son will have' a book rcvlew at 12:30,. using Basil Matlhews' -Through Tragcdy là Triumph- andI members are urged te core ne a ime for this feature. They are aise 4fvitf4 4to rlng. fille of ieen: and jelly for the cupboard of the Baptlst Mis- sionary Training school. On Sunday mornlng in the Il o'clock service, a new series of interesting ser- mons begins. Sayings of Jesus will be I he inspiration for these messages, the first of which is entitled. "Don't Borrow Trouble." A cordial invitation is extended te newcomers in Wilmette and to any who have net found a church home. The Aduit Bible class. meeting at,10 a.m.. Sundays, lu enjoying a serious study, buniavUs at ti:;u..>U U . L'ne aII *L Lateotr i day, November 24, has been set for their fali. play. High school youths are inost c *welcome to these meetings. The Womnan's Mission Union of Chi-1 cago meets Tuesday, November 14, at the Woodlawn church. The chief address will be made bv our own m issionary. Miss Emma Brodbeck of China. The Christmas Commiltee of the Churcht school is already hard at work on an inspiring pageant. Many will be reauested te participate this year. The service will be held Christmas Eve, December 24, at 7 p. m, tizs.au.cq,. AL- J young peo * are iYteu. IThe board of trustees wlll mccl Monday, évenlng at 8 o'clock at the church. The men, of the church wlll -bowl Mon- day eventng. For assigiiment',le a leam cail Mr.. A. B. La Fleur, '510 -Maple avenue.ý The Womaan's socety will have an lu- teresting program for its meeting Tues- day at the, churéh. This will be the annual praie service., The Chicago Pres- byterial. socicty has various members who correspond wlth missionfaries On Ihe, foreigu field and make, this correspon- dence publiceluinthe churches at home. They are called. District Foreign Corres- pondents (1). F. C.'s forshort). Ten of these D. F. C.'s.will give talks. of' three minutes each, about. the. countries they represerit. Each, will be dressed In the native costume of the country. The:pro- grami willI be a presentation of fresh news, from the fields In, which the. Pres- bvterian missionaries are working.. Mrs. Ellott Youngberg will lead the devo- tional. Miss Dorothv Rae will have charge of the music. Luncheon will be served at 12 o'clock by SDoke No. 12. The meeting. o.pens at 1 o'clock. All, the woen..are. coïdiab ll nifted2.' The Girl Scouts will meet at the church Wednesday afternoon. The Boy Scouts will rneet at the church Wednesday evening., *At the Wednesday Evening Bible H-our the study in the course on "«Know Your Bible,"* wilI be in the book of Zephaniah. We invite you bo study with us. The choir will rehearse Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. - *"The Armistice Eclinise" will be the themne of the minister's sermon nextý Sunday morning, November 12. Members and friends are reminded that the serv- ice begins at 10:45 o'clock .when the first note of the orean prelude sounds. You are iinvited to share in the entire service. The special music for next PSunday morn- ing as arranged bv Mrs. E. F. Elert, organist, and Mr. Dean F. McSloy. direc- tor. will bc as follows: Orffan* 10:45): "Matins"-------..Faulk-s "The Question"--------..Wolstenholm-e "The Answer"-. ..---...Wolstenholme [utroit: "Corne, Holy Sninit"-----------...Ancient Plainsong Anthern: "Call to Members of the Wesleyan Service Gulld wtfl be happy to show you Christmas carda. For many years this has been the one organization of the church selling cardg. You may place your order %vith any mnember of the group at any time.ý The Goodwill truck.stops at the church office on' Frtdays to pick. up calis. If you wish to have il stop at-your home, would you please -phone the church office by Thursdýay afternoon. The annual bazaar sponsored by the- Woman's, Gulld will11 be held Thursday and* Friday. November 30 and December 1. at the church. Put these dates on your calendar now. The women are hard at work. and wîil have many Interesting articles on dtsplay and fine entertainment for ail who attend. Copies of Dr. Relms.' serm ons, "'Mov- ing Mountains" and "The Gospel'Accord. tng to Christ's Enemies,," may be ob- tained at the church office this.week andý next,. after whlch lime those remainin wilI be returned'10 him. Our Scout troops meet as follows: Bey Scout Troop 3-Tuesdavs at 7:30 ô'Ô&bC1k. Girl èôù1 1ro6j, 4---uesavs at 3:45 o'clock, Girl Scout Troop 2-Thurs- days at 3:45 o'clock. "American Neutrality" Will be the s ub.- ject of the address bv U. S. Sen. Bennett Clark at the Sunday Evening club Novem- ber 12 at New Trier High. School audi- torium. The supply department of the Womnan's Missionary society is planning te send a box of clothing and household supplies to a minister and his famnily in Tennessee. If you wish to donate somiethinL,. will you riease send ilte Mrs. B. C. Davison or her committee. emnber 12, will be "War an-d the -Church," The church service is at Il o'clock. The music for the chureh service will be as fo!lowvs: Organ Preude- Prelude in G------...----Mendelssohn Opening Sentence-To Godl on High. from St. Paul----------....Mendelssohn Anthem-How& Lovel.v are The" Messengers that Bning, Us the Gosnel of Peace, from St. Paul---------------...Mendelssohn Offertory-Aria "Pur Dicesti-...Lotti Solo-O Jerusalern. that Killeth the Prophets, from St. Paul..- Mendelssohn Our Lutheran church ln Desplairies will The Sunday school will mccl in ail The following divisions will meet Tues. be dedicated Sunday aflernoon, Novem- departments aI 9:3D o'clock. day, Noveniber 14: Pirst-1O a.mn.. lunrh- ber 12, at 3*30 o'clock. The acw church Is- eon-Mrs. E. R,.lierloeker. 119 Tudor locted at Miner strcet and Graceland The Aduit Bible class will meet for fflace, Kenttworth. Second - 10 ar. aVenue. stuýiy at 10 o'clock in the chapel. The lulicheon--Mrs.. Harold M. Rose, . 1133 - study will be thc prayer of Solomon at Ashland avenue. Third-10 a.ni.. luncheon The Htgh School choir will rehearse on the dedication of bbc temple. -Mrs. Erskine M. Jeffords, 1018 Lake Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. avenue. The Tuxis club will mccl at 5:30 o'clock- The Men's club wil mccl on Wednesday in the,,chapel. The bopie for discussion Thefoilowing divisions will mcclt Thurs- rýappa-1--- --ni.... . On Armistice Sundav Dr. Hindley will -- n, - Amerlcas Role ia the World's Drama." music for the rnornîng worship will be: Organ Prelude: Chant for Dead Heroes--------..Gaul Emily Roberts Anthem: "Hark, Hark mny Seul"..-Shelley Offrtir0Slo

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