Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Nov 1939, p. 52

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terhiian' Ampniznetre xiimqw and 43rd streets, Where it will con- tinue through a week .froÈn Sundayv. Fame of thisý show,, classie of the Indusetry and supremne amnong pro- dutosfor which Chicago is noted, haS been heralded for months, with the reseit that the public awaits keenly the raîsing of the eU.rtai.i The tinie schedule for Saturday, the opening, day., wii1 be 2 pan. to, ilp.m. and- thereafter each. day from 1il a.m. to Il pe.m. Mauy Readlifle Features Within the Amphitheatre, viisitors will find 50s many alluring highlights that it 15 difficult to list themail. Every feature will be a headliner, with interest shared by the "Dame Fashion" stage production and dem-. onstrations of television i the cen- trai ;arena; complete exhibits of new cars and trucks. used cars, acces- sorles and parts, and special educa - *tional .displays throiighout 'the expo- sition building. 'The show is the publi's only op- * portunity to see ail the products of motordom under one roof. That has beeri the secret of its success for *years, 'but this Chicago Automobile Show goes further. It provides thrill- ing entertainmeflt for the publiec to- gîorify the new cars through "Dame Fashion" with a cast of 100 per- Fletcher, Prima JJULU14, ana wg. Dagnie, Premier Dancer. Each ex h i bit is allurin':g and abounding i animation, with com- plete vehicies, cutaway chassis and parts, attended by experts who ex- plain technical points ina manner easîly understandable to the lay- mnan. more mhan 20u years, and sice iUw has been auditor of disbursements.' WeIavmgStudio Opens onùSor The Shuttle Studio, newly opened at 902 Linden avenue m. Hubbard Woods, brings the art of hand woven materials to the North' Shore. The possibility ý'of individually designed and executed materIals, harmoniZ- ing with one's wardrobe or room in- terior, allows unlimited oppbrtunity for the expression of one's :person- ality it is pointecl out. %h Studio isoperated by Martha Springer of Wilmette, and Dorothy Ogborn, both of whom have studied their craft under the foremost Swed- ish tliodëtn weaveis. - "The skii,, invention, and imagina- tion, with ail its subtie variations, make hand weavmng an artistic ex- pression not comparable to factory machine methods," Miss Springer explains. "Each piece of hand loom- ed, materlal is different. Texturés and colors may be chosen at will, with unique results and persorial re- quirernents woven in, neyer to be dilieated."11 1 mats, anci OweUaisLrugs. Individuals may learn hand weav- ing according to the Swedish mod- ern method. Lessons, including use of looms, may be had by the day, week, month, or term according to the individual's need. A lending libr.ary features the most récent books i fiction and, non-fic- tion. Woody Wilson Photos Grant ."Tubby" EllUs and Jim Jamieson (upper left and right) are a pair of huàsky lUnemen on the 'Iew ,t4er lidQh school var- sity football squad, which tanglea with Oakc Park at New, Trier in the second arnual ho'meccornng event this Saturday. Tony Cram, John Bo wers, (middle row, left to rigbt) Paul Beuttas. and Bill Glade (lower row, left to right) are mn e m b e r s of the fresh-soph squad. Thtis latter group wlll be fithffnz for. New Triter's first clear Meet Thursdlay Night ,A gymnasium class will be spon- sored by the Wilmette playground and recreation board for the sixtit, seventit and eighth.grade girls and will meet every Thursday evening from 7 to 9 o'clock at Howard gym- nasiurn beginning this week. The first and second teams as se- lected are to play 'the first and sec- ond Chicago ýallied sehool girls' teams on November i1, at Jackson Park. Those ë chosen for the first teami are: Catherine Lowery and Lois Ma- son,,, North Shore; Dorothy John- sony and Della Mathews, Evanston; Rachel Brent, Mirth Durbahn, 'Nat- alie Wells, SarahWrîght and Betty Jean Emnbecker, Highland Park; Nancy McCloud, Roycemore, and Dorothy, Bergamim, Kemper Hall. The second. teamn players.are: Georgiette Keeler, Maine; ,Loraine Kirklanid and Josephine Corcoran, Roycemnore;, Betty Mercer, Florence Davis, and Judy Adams, North Shore;, Kate Winckler and,.D* a y n e Gallup, Kemper Hall;'Mary Hostet-' 1er, Evanston; Jane Edwards and Mabel Keefe, New Trier. Substitutes - E v e 1 y n Qester, Më(ndota, and EIdred flatzer, Maine. Umpire Meeting Also on lest Saturday the umpires of the Mid-west section held their -conference at Ida Noyes Hall, Chf- cago. Those of the north shore who tried out, were Phoebe Nelson and Mrs. David Corkran, both of whom renewed their national "B" ratings. Both the North Shore first and sec- ond teams played matches at the conference. The g a m e between Last, Sunday both Northt Shore teams had games at Skokie Play- field,, when the first team defeated Madison 4 to 1 and North Shore sec- ond defeated a team from Mary-, ville college, Mo., 3 to 2. Foilowing the games Marjorie Street ýar-' ranged a luncheon 'for ail theý play- ers, attheSoke Playfield club bouse. onr 1 ý e t Saturday, November --à fiqfon +ztA. rým LI Used Car'% Automobile ,y ô! I Mis. Shelbi. As- IN. Y.". Who tmette for r interz vere reoIcI iy years. g 5, at il o'clock,. held in thie edifice at L- 1003 Central avenue., Sunday scitool convenes. at 9:45 o'ciock. soclation.

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