in our future advertising proves our constant endeavor to. supply our. customers with the, finest foods avaîlable, at the mnost economical prices. Shefford>Chýeeselias gained a nation--wide rep- utation for its superior quality. and flavor. Made at, Green Bay, Wisconsin under1 rigid, inspection and health-guarding laws,ý, it is brouglit to your table: with ail the pride of .Wisconsin cheèsemakers. SHEFFORD A30!~ CREAM CHEESE SNAPPY CHEESE 14k. FOR NORTH SHORE- FALL .FESTIVAL DAYS!ý AT out 4 STORE I cana o0r 35c lb. Because of the richer flavor and superior quality of STE WARTS COFFEE, you need only a heaping TEASPOONFUL ferr each cup. It coits a litte imre per pund .... but muich less per cup. FOR GEN- UINE ECONOMY. AND GOOD- NESS SERVE STEWARTS! a a 0 e *rs.-4 t. 6 Lb. I L 2.6c Avera ge FRESH PUDli$bý CIIC ES *DelcDousI1y Tendor Fr>ers lb. I c PR1514 DRESSED TURKES * ous g sd'Teàder iMorthers 0lrdslb33c LITTLE PIC PORK LOIN ROAST. 0faff Li b.4 CUT TO ORDEMA MEAT for LOAF. ae .k-esl.2.9C FISH AND SEA IOODS fresh i .I tFo WGoêin fuet, ofSole....I;3' Fresh Oysl'ers ..plut 32c Green Shrimp ... lb. 22c- 1142»44m46 Central.Avenue ett 420 Phone W PRICES ARE QUOTED ON THE MAKiturs 1%se Peces for November 1.2-3 sud 4 * As& h or C.lforsl. Vienc.s For Julce, Order TdII3,doz. 4 9 c * Vkomchin Golden Sonta, Corn Creom Style No. 2 tins 2 FOR 23c Unlifçrm tender kerrels of swc4 ISUCCOTASH Fancy Goldeni Bantam Corn and Tender Baby Green Lima Beans Rloyal Family EMRLY JUNE PIAS Saei Tender No. 2 Tins ZF 35C rouhEU ammDISCRETau*00-a COCOANUT FINGERS. A crisp, crunchy treat. One of t he most delicious cookies you ever ate........b F.g Ki(st. Boxe * * argeSoiId Heeds, quart 1 ,eechl9clIlj SPECIAL qQ 10 ..73- Ainut Jeuuumus ..2s23e Sitfety Tread PtTh.......59C PA14CAKE FLOUt-Ti@ ale .. .. FrFLOOR WAX, itTn..... STUFFEI QUEEqS-No. 10 Tali ...... 31cle OPIi Sl...3. 7 Old Monbk Amerlean Family Sl . FRENCH D1oESIg, 6..SI.. . 29c ,LAumity, soAp.41USale U V 4F c t' Bremner Dros. Specicls, larg i An amazlng new craeker combining the fiavor of strong old cheese with crisp new prgek rs. Seirvç, 1çMesw'ith so p d, pl r as an appetizer by tlierselves and watch them disappear. ASSORTED NUT TOP COOKIES. per lb. 29c PLANKIS SPECIAL THI STME Full Fiqvor, CAULIFLOWER. inUl