Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Nov 1939, p. 8

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Sunday Se-rvices-Ii ua.m. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting-8 p.m. Sunday School Exercises-9 :45 a.m. 'NovEMBER 5, 11939 S5ubject: ADAM AND FALLEN MAN READING ROOM-11i33 Central Avenue Open Daily i) A.M. to 6 P.M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 745 P.M. S'aturday 9g ÀM. to 9 P.M. Tii. Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room.. THE PUBLIC 16 COKfIALLY INVITED TO ATND THE CHURCE flRVICK AND VISIT TUE READING EOOM B8 p.mr. 'ruesaaiyi, Nvemoer 5 Dr. Brad ley wiii give one of Mis book reviews,. for which he ffus to overflowmng his own auditorium at the Peopie's church of Chicago'each Wednesday evening. He wil review Vardis Fisher's "Childeno 4Go1 flarper's$1,0 prize novel of the year. This book bas been cailed an "American Epic." Mr. Fisher givres asincere and dramatic- interpreta- Lion of the trek, of -the Mormons across our A merican plains, from Elmyra, New York. to Utah, in search, of a place, to found. their Êhurcb. Dr. Bradley, pastor o f the Peo- pie' s church for the past 27 years, i8 one of the most forceful andi en- tertaining speakers on the publie plat.forrn. Mrs. H. G. Van Winkle, the Logaen- Howard Parent-Teacher association president, bas prorniseti only a very short businiess meeting before the book review. URGE DUES' PAYMENTS Mrs. R. E. )Daistromn, vice-presi-! dent anti membership chairman, ré- ports that the yearly enroilment is hall completed. Winl ail mothers anniversary of that appointment. On Monday evening and again on Tuesday floof of last week, Mr. Ven- nema, who. is a past board member and is now a foundation trustee of the Chicago Rota ry club was honor- ed for bis services to twonationis, to his. farnily, cominunity, church, profession, and Rotary. on Mondayevening he was feted at the'Taverni club by a group of 40 of bis -closest frierids and members of the consular corps, of wbich he is nonunally the honorary, dean. Given Decr*tiofl Although an American. attorney, born in Hôiland., Mich., Queen Wil- helmina appointed him non-career consul-general in 1914.--In 1930, be- cause ýof. bis legal and diplomatic servicmesHope college, Holland. Micb., bis aima mater1, gave hirn an LLD. Queen Wilhelmina matie him an officer of the Order of Orange- Nassau. He bas been presidënrt of the Hol- landi society andi the Congregational club of Chicago, anti is chairman of the finance committee of the, Con-, gregationai Union of Chicago. He has been a director of'the HaM- ilton club, a trustee of tbe Winnetka ICongregatioflal church, and was vil- lage attorney of Kenilwortb from 19 1010 1919. Alter Mrs. Vennema Passed, away ARUW DOCTOR'S, nouas Rare iadeed is the Doctor who ca amy his wotking time is cornfined within certain bouts.Offici bouts pay t.em at tbat. uu±w. .Lne rLri ment shoulti be comrpleteti in No-, Annoiince 0fficer vember tu support this very worth- while organization, the purpose of 0f Student Cabinets wich is to cooperate witb the prin- cîpal. and thie teachers in promoting, The names of sixteen boys anti the, best mnterest of the school anti girls elected, by their ciassmates to commnunizy. serve as stutient cabinet offiCers for the first semhester ýat. the 0hil1- DANXCE Ci.A.SSICS tren's school of the National Col- lege of Education were announced Mrs. R. J. Lascelles announces this week by Miss Clara Belle Ba- that the ball.room dancing c1a!:ses, ker, director of the scbool. are orclan.ized. Thee is room for a ,,---- - +.. % 's-f.t eblirenasseinblüd1and fîormeda agon, 41 cos turni-e parade at 5:30. A box sup- return< M isAra (w' SmmM, P3LICABOU M 18 -à per wasi eaten in ea.ch room at week-e 6:30 o'clock. After that ther'e were westeri ganies, a tish-pond with prizes for is a se ail, and,' finaily, a bîg comimunity nois, w PATRONIZE OUR ADIVERTISERS stg er of il q' lu a w.c nJ '. ýe Miss Dickerson is a arsmncas

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