THE HAMMOND ORGAN THE OXFORD QUARTETTE Availabi. for Ail Funeral Services of No Additional Expense NORMAN, F.1SCOr MORTICIAN "'The HOU»-of Peonaà s.cea 1 l8 GREENLEAF, AVENUE, WILMETTE. TELEPHC IONE WILMETTE 654 OIL BURNER anajùtqiti, ciom PLUS - Installed for Pern* eopeel n ldAÏ f North.Shor. For Your Convoi 612 Church Street. between Orrimgi w. AUI of Srir O-PIL BUDGET TERMS TalIng Maichine C. iience - Open. Tlursdoy and Saturdoy Evoaslnge$. ton aund Chicago Avenues UNI. 3474 - - - - - - -- -[- 0 ~ 4 1 i T.he ý Scolt Ae r i a1 Am bu1 nce: nes end. de.$th. If may b. inspected of any fime of Curtiss i4lci, GI.nvi.; o(4~ Rebi I 4 sQiLvicQý