Thoma Geoge Hldebandt, 92 Robsart road;Iw co. Renier H. Johnson, 158 Meirose avenue;. libéral arts. iriEJIthRuth Zoslin, 40 Essex road; Nadine Loretta Iinney, 126 Abingdon ave- nue; liberal arts. Marie Eleanor Lipman, 116 Itobsart road, x=oertCha sMcEwen, 621Park drive; liberal arts. Gilbert B3., Mlntosh. 521 Itoolyn road; liberal arts. Elsine Marie Rothiermfel, ý33M Ridge road; liberalars Dana Evans MrloJr..,306 Cumber- land; libersartl Eleanor Marta Mrrsoni 306 Cumber-: land; libéral arts. John William Pow;ers, 307 Cumnberland road; liberal arts. WiimHenry Ssl.blury, 608 Earlston rd;commerce. Arthur Raymond Seder, Jr., 314 Oxford road; liberalarts. John Shumian Sprenger, 5W7 Earlston road; commerce. d Ruth Mary Sprenger, 537 Earlston road liberal arts. Margaret Tideman, 138 Abingdon road; libersl arts. -Peggy Joan Tudor, 422 Essex road; l1h-' ers! arti7' Rober.t, fleUndwoo4, 75 Ilobsart road, liberal arts. Muriel Ruth Weise, 511 Greenwood ave- nue; liberal arts. Jean Baxter Wiltberger, 515 Abbotsford road; liberal arts. Louise Neal Yates, 745 Maclean avenue; music. WILMETTE11i( Esther Abrame. 235 Laurel avenue: lib- eral arts. Mary Louise Allen, 1705 H1ighland ave- nue: libers! arts. James GoMvn .Badger, Jr., 801 Forest ave- nue; commerce. Byro Beaton, 320 Third street; libers!. ad, 436 Tenth street; en- h Briggs, 1333 Elmwood n,32 Linden avenue;H age, 2116 Chsstnut ave- ]Burd, 810 Michigan ave- à. Til, 812 Greenwood ave- ool. G rroll, 1531 Lake avenue; R Érpon, 518 Washington- ildberg, 1227 Sixteenth Rt Géodwln, M25 Greenleaf Ei rray. 1007 Ramona road; W Jr-, OUSGreenwood ave- Ne ts.1 Lmes, 4221 Unden avenue; AI Norman David Johnson.11Qeveland street, libers! arts. Charles Howérd Jones, 1514. Forest ave- Snue;, engineering. Adrienne- Kauvanagh, 319 Maple avenue; libers! arts. Charles Frederiek Kremer, Jr., 723 Laurel avenue; graduate sohool. Bonnie goëne Lamb, 115 Woodbine ave- nue; libers! arts. Barbara A=i Layne, M0 lmwood ave- nue; liberal arts. EPlizabeth Jane Leggitt, 45 Crescentplace; .libers)arts. Mary Jean L is, 610 Washington avenue; graduate, education. Robert Wingard Lieas, 607 FPoreatavenue;,- liberal arts. Tresa Margaret Logan. 1315 Gregory ave- nue;- libers! arts. Thomas Joseph Lucas, Jr., 1300 Green- wood avenue;' liberal arts. ]Robert Douglas MacMorran, 1320 Central avenue; commerce. Thomas Josepih -MacoWrran, 791,k Indian MU I!road; commerce. *anuvA, --- --%l 44 Laurel avenue; liberal aver Mary1 Menning, 777 Michigan nue; il arts. Ms r, 204 Ninth street; liberal Po=~J 1Moore, 633 Laurel ave -Richai rts.aven Nanzig, 335 Ridge road; Shirlej i. nue; man, 411 Washinigton ave- Doris ts. nue~ *Norm oyle, 360 . Gregory Charle d arts. eral 'Brien. 319 Central ave- Root Penberthy. 1524 Winmette libers! arts. e Peterhans, 611 Elghth street; arts. Peterson, 1202 Chestnut avenue; ee. Pope, 807 Forest avenue; liberai n Porter, 1218 Forest avenue;, ',ce. V'iffiam Putnam, 1117 Ashland libers! arts. 'Gertrude Reeal, 1305 Sheridan beral arts. Riley, 215 Third street; liberai Johii Chartes Thomas, famed, operat:c star, wotU appear toith the Chica go CittyOpera Wednes- day tnght, Novem ber 1, stnging one of the leadrng rotes in "La Vogel, 1033 Greenwood ave- arts. h Hoffmann Warner, 2483 e, education. r Wernscks, 1236 Gregory imerce. eterer, M 8Washington ave- arts. Wiese, 1530 Wlmette ave- arts. ýnd Wilis, 413 Central; lib- WiUlis, 1606 Forest avenue; Jane A Robert msedic John Ja cal se Jane G 1319 Washington ave - 1 e1623 Washington B v%-.< ,10 21 Central avenue; ch98Forest te;' liberal Humboldt; liberal arts. Aldrich, 143 Birch; iger, 1340 Asbury; mcdi- . 368 Eider Jane; grad- errY Street; libera! arts. Bevan, Jr., 55 Indian »A 3l arts. Boynton. Jr., 620 Ash 7T .azer, 435 Sherdan IN er, Jr., 4M5 Sheridan C e Fullerton, 55S.. MU A education. Alma Mae Hanise, 557 Eider lane; libera! arts. Raymond Gilbert Ifanson, 1416 Edgewood lane; liberal arts. Marion Frances Heltzei, 220 Woodland; libers! arts. Fred Burnett Hil. 1143 Ash street; gradu-. ate oc!ool. David noffman, 921 Pine street; Iaw .erry Robert Hlorak, 10M Ash street; engineering. Walker Allen Jensen, 445 Sunset road, law achool. Richard Weidner Johnson, 330 Forest ave- nue; libers! arts. Richard W. Jones, 1020ý Spruce street; graduate schoo!. Mildred Jean Kemper,, 945 Sheridan road: medical, achool. KCatharine Kendrick, 1303 Scott avenue; liberai arts. Norman Lloyd Kettlewefl, 373 Eider Jane; liberal arts. Mary Elizabeth King.,942 Tower road; liberai arts. Joan Davidson Les,,1100 Chatfisld; liberal arts. Jane Gardner Leigh, 513 Walnui street; liberal arts. Clarence Louis Lineberger, 1437 Asbury avenue., 1berlar.Is Arthur S. Littiefield, 546 Elm street; libers! arts. Madeleine Long, 314 Ridge avenue; edu- cation. EcU Adams Maldaner, 1149 Laurel avenue; liberal arts. Alan Gordon McCornilck, 503 Chsstniut: street; iaw sehool. Mrs. Virginia Chase Menadue, 549 Cedar street; journalism. Virginia Elizabeth Nickel, 140 Bertllng lane; libers) arts. Faye Fullerton Michelet, 319 Sheridan.. road; graduate schooi. . Hlomer George Murphy. 875 Xii road; comDmerce. Jane Talmadge Olds, 428 Ridge avenue; Ellen Palmer, 1219 Scott avenue; 'ai arts. Ann. Patterson, 464 Winnetka ave- libers! arts, an Pearse Phibbs, 675 Blackthorne U.medical schooi. n J. Ramser, 372 Hawthorn; liberal n S. Rayrner, 1423 Scott avenue; .ai, arts. rie Marie Reimiers, 93 Indian Hilu1 1liberai arts.' Tyrreil Ritchie, 1032 Dinsmore liberal arts. LB Richard Roth, 246 Sheridan road; ,ai arts. Il7eken, Ruckmlck, 475 Eider lane; M., 185 Fuller lane; libers! d Woods, 652 Lincoln ave- 'ring. . urgess. 153 Sheridan road; arts 1.