Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1939, p. 60

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311J room ne stverefrig.; woodburn. BAIRD & WARNER, hIc. M2 DAVIS ST. WINN. 455 128LTN2-te, SUBLEASE 4 ROOM APARTMENT. Newly decorated tbroughout. Free re- frigeratfon. Immediate oceupancy. $sa a month.* 2055 .arvis Ave.. Rogers'Park, i1.,Cal Mr. K-aspar-Wilmette 4M0. 128LTN25-tp IN HEART -0F GL ENCOE, ONE- BLOCIK from transportation.: 6 rooms with -wood burnlng fireplace. At 385 Park Ave. )Cey at bungalow in rear or cail Wllmette 432 evenings. 128LTN25-Itu 4 LARGE ROÔOMS AN» BATH, SUBLEASE TO, ADULTS. $38. WILMEÉTTE 4093. FOR RENT WEST WILMETTE. 3 ROOM HEATED FLAT. $35. WRITE B-l18. BOX 60, WILMETTE, ILL. Heéat, ligbt and garage included. 128L25-tp GARAGE ÀPARTMENT Attractive E. Wlmette apt. Not air ht. Garage. Adults. only. Cal) between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. Wnnetka 1493. 128LTN25-ltp 4 RM. KITCHENETTE-DINETTE. LGE. living rm., 2 bedrms. Humphrey Bldg., Elm & Chestnut, Wlnnetka 97, 3887 or 2432. 128LTN20tte INDIAN JUL 2'ý-4 room a pt. Reasonable rent. Conv. to sehools & transp. Ph. Wlnnetka, 418. leaf 7220, Wimeute 730. 133LTN25Ite 7ROOM HOME IN EAST WILMETTE. AIl newly decorated. 011, burner. Gar- age. $70. HILL & STONE W1LMrrE 1"44 133LTN25-ltc 131 WTDP. To RENTi-Fu RN. HOMUESé. TWO ADULTS WANT 3 OR:4 BEDROOM bouseà (preferably Winnetka) November lSth to June lst. -$100) month. Best refer- ences. Cail Mrs.. Fleming. BAIRD &WARNER, e., 790 Elm St. Winn. 2700, Briargate 1855 137CTN25-lte 140 FOR mENT-STORES a OFFICEU 1073 GAÀGE STHUBR woods. A convenlient loeation for, physiclans and dentlsts. UnuÙsual faclities include separate bath- room, separate rear exit, and ample ploset apace., Four spa- cious, wefl llghted rooms may be efficlently arranged te meet yeur exact requlrerxents, to imclude 1;boratory, consplt4gg-. ooz», o.P- êraih* and'-tratent rooms. There lu also thle posslbility of utillzing part of the spaoe for living quarters. This building is most attractive archltecturally and bas an es- tabllshed professional tenancy. For further information and in- spection, CALL: Baird & Warner, Agents 522 Daiva St., Evanston ýGre, 1855, Winn. 455, Hollycourt 18 14OLTN25-1 bk1U-Cii-TOWNS REALTY CORPORATION 1 CONTRACT SALES BROXERS 1603 Chicago Avenue .' Evanston Gre. 2700 Wil. M0 Rôg. Pk. O63 147LTN25-ltc FOR QUICK, SALE OWE 4EDUCES PRICE TO $6.500 on a good 6-room white stucco bung- alow on a large wooded lot in, Winnetka. ' Attractive living room with bay, window and verietian blinds. Kitchenette includes good stove and Electrolux refrig. Low cost heat and taxes. Mtg., pMts. $55.00 per month. A -comfortable 'home for a smnall fam- ily that 3you. can buy with rent. Mr.. ]Jaily. EXCLUSIVE AGENTrS FRANKLIN REALTY 1569 Sherman.. Evanston. Uni. 7777 147LTN25-ltc LOOK ALL THE COMFORTS 0F A WELL planned home are to be found in this red brick Colonial located in a section of 'n'ne~ lioues 'in e lehce. 4 bjrms.ý 3y bs., large solarium, oul heat. 2 car at- tached gar. A great deal of thought has been given to proper landscaping. This home offers many advantages to every member of your family. Price $33.000. R. B. WHITAKER CO. 140 Green Bay Road, Winnetka Winnetka 3250 Rogers Park 7302 147LTN25-ltc FINEST INTERIOR 0F ANY HOUSE ITS SIZE ..40.*usivC0Agent .147LTN25-ltc BR MN EW. Early Amnerlean Colonial home. Red brick and white clapboard. 3 bdrmns., 15/ bs. Warm Iforced air, heat. 1 car gar- age. Recreation rmn. in basement. New homes of the same character mnakes a fine environment for your family. Price R. B. WHITAKER CO. 140 Green Bay Road, Wînnetka. Winnetka 3250 Rogers. Park 7302 147LTN25-Ite WHITE COLONIAL 6 BEDROOMS. 4% BATHS, 'PANELED Iibraryi, open porch very 'modern kitchen, breakfast alcove,. steel construc- tion, où heat, 2-car garage. Hubbard Woods schoolî district.* Woded lot. OWner moving out this"week bas reduced price to iake this.an 'outstanding buy. BAUMANN-COoK 553 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 3459 147LTN25-1tc DESIRABLE 'HOME A CIIARMING WHITE FRAME COL. on Ige. beau. wded. &. gardened grnds. attract. liv. rm. with solarium, 4 faim. bdrms. sleep. pch. 2 bâths, also mds. rm. & bath located in a most desirable sec. of Winnetlça, con- yen. to trans. & sehis. Priced for- îmmed. sale at $16,500. Caîl Mrs. Mead. THE BILLS REALTY, Ime. 510 Davis St. Wil. 3740 Gre. 1166 147LTN25-ltc > RESTRICTE iD1 BRAND NEW, READY FOR OCCU- pancy now. Glencoe, near Skokie Club... Exquisite decorations. 4 bedrms., 2ý,à battis, Iibrery with fireplace, 2 £'ar 0ràr 133 FOnR ENT-NHOUSESBEST SECOND' FLOOR ATTRAC. 6 ROQIE UP TO DATE WiN. Winnetka. Availal>le onE netka home just redecorated, modern cause of movlig to larger qu kitchen, H. W. oil. Gar. nice big yard. moderate rentai. Wnnetka 8, Alse for Sale at $9,000. ____________ NerSokeClb Jstlken-.Egls OFFICE SPACE AVAILI Near~ Clb. us: ike ew.mingisnr, dentlst or slmilar white brick. Mald's room and bath on lent location. Phone WiI. 239g Iut. Fl. 4 bedrms., 2 tule baths on 2nd, F. WiUl redecorate to suit. 2 car Gar. H. W. ____________ oil. Among fine homes. Also for sale at 147A FOR SAL--uEW > $21,000. ,Frederlck A. Cooper. 1505 Chicago Ave., ATTRAMCTIVE BRK. JH O Evanston. Gre. 303 or Shel. 3030 ceptionally weil laid out. [OLTN251 c Pic 14.500. >"UjJA1I1fl rFC.E IN NORTH SHORIE REALTY blease be- 523 Winnetka Ave.Wneta8 rters Very147LTN25lte 0LTN25-ltc OATO IL ORLOAIN Ln.ExcFl OVERLOOKING THE FINE HOMES IN Wil. 2427 the Kenilworth Comnmunity gection. ILTN 2-4t W ithin easy, w alking dista e f 1 nil *REDUCEI) TO .$19,000 STONE RESIDENCE,, FRENCH DE- sign,. att. situated aimong Ige. trees. 1 blk. to lakeý, short walk to grade & New Trier Sehls., lst fir. den, powdcr rm. guest chamber, lav. ser. pcb. 2ncl fi. 5 bdrms. 3 tile baths, 2-car gar. Mrs. Starnes. THE BILLS REALTY, mnc. 510 Davis St. Wil. 3740 Gre. 1166 147LTN25-ltc R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. Opposite "L" terminal Wlmette 444 133LTN25ltc WINNETKA-$70 TO SUBLET - 6 RIE. BOUSE, 3 BIK$. tO trans. and schools. Garage. Avail- able Nov. 1. 261 Wilson st., Winnetka -2M2 133LTN25ltp : IY 14I à 667 VERNON AI jprîce to $18,5w0. ELAND R. M. JOHNSTON &r-00à GLENCOE 305jOpposite "L' Termninal Wihnette 4#4 147LTN25-te i147LTN25-ltc

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