ous for large loan volume. The month's disbursement brought the total for the fIrst nine monthÊ of the year to $4,788'35 which is 19 per cent less than for thé similar pe- riod of laut year. Mr.. Gardner. mdi- cates that duriag the past iibine or ten months the cails upon the bank by member 'Savingsaïad ban asso- ciations. M- Minois and Wisconsin, have been mnore:nearly what were to be expected under normal business conditions. FOR SALE i IN LAKE BLUFF 7 rom. framie bouse to be wrecked and, moved (by putchbaser) .t. miake way for new structure. New roof, bouse ewlypalted, 3 cea ,ts. biterler cern- pleeldecoirated, new piùuiyl- ures, new shaules, new Dm0 um. Offereul complets at $260 cash, -PHONE LAKE BLUFF ý43 SAVINGS and HOME LOANS Members Here Save a Certain Sium Each Month. .We Add Earnings. With Our Home Loan Thsa modi$ied Colonial home is- being built for George P. Brewer on Kent'road, eaat. of Hsbbard road, Wsnnetka, - t a cost of $30,000. Victor L. Char,, 664 North Michigan. avenue,: Chica go,, sth e architect. The contractor ta the, W. W. Nvorrias company of 520 North Michga avenue, Chica go. The home contains eleven: roo.ms including four.master bedroomas, two: servants'. rooims, wôoo-paneled li- brary, breakfast room, and 5%k bath.. There la a large living porch. ~The exterior is çomination siding and Lannon stoneé, Iith wood sh1ùgle roof. There la a two-car attached garage. .A feature la a dumb-waiter extend-' ing from basement to second floor. Living and dlning rooms and the library have large bays. Winned«i Permits Call For 4lteration Jobs *Snrt& Golee Announce Sales Foir 31)-Day Spant Sales totalling $62,000 were closed during the past thirty days by Smart & Golee, Ime. Four houses and one 2-apartment building comprise the Iist. They were as follows: Brick 2-apartmrent building at 2674 Prairie avenue, Evanston, sold by F. C. Adamsto J. J. Stadtler. 0. H. Armstrong was the broker. people, 'wi collar" worker- owners of busi- nes.ses, junior professional men -are to have a , commurilty espe- cially ýdesigned to meet their needs. The property la Northbrook 'High- lands, lôcated on the north side of Northbrook, on Dundee road, 4, mnil1esà west of Glencoe, 2 'miles N'orthbrook west from Skokie HIghlands, boulevard (R. 41), %< mile West- of Waukegan road (R. 42A). The property is approached on Dundee through the extensive Foarest Presèee aea, which bounds it on the North side of Dundee. It is within a very few minutes drive o! 7 public and 8 private golf courses. The communityr tennis courts:,of Northbrook are necar. Ace Inc., is pla of fiv Add-a-Room Features rding to The Bills Realty, ie developer, this community ned for medium sized homes to seven rooms to require. Limaen avenue, costing $2,500.' LIBERAL 4MOUNTS - For Costruction an oui .umaCI.g N'ow is the Urne t. obtalu a commimnt for any real M oestate boau, Ctier FRA or otlierwlse, at lowent cost. We charge me commilssion or service fee on preterreul Jeans, andl no appralsal or inspecton fee. For loest ra.*m auane anaton, R. D. Cunningham-ýof Baird ods, & Warner, Inc., co-operated with H-. L. Hultman in the transaction. - Prof. E. L. Schaub of Northwest- Sern university bought the six-room, brick house at 2324 Ridgeway ave- nue, Evanston, from the Firat Na- tional Bank & Trust Company of Ev- anston. O. H. Armstrong was the ine economicaia n armonjous ad- dition of rooms, baths, and other features, as the income aide of the budget increases, and as the num- ber in the famlly grows. "Good community planning," ac- cordmng to Benjamin F. Bills, chair- man of The Billa Real ty, Imc.,. "can be provided forcommunities of med- ium sized homes as well as* for the larger and more costly homes and estates which we have developed in Vinter sets in.1 .heen checked? Norhm ueDlatrbutora iT Co* Mdorg.ft. 660 iI B.4 E. ALBOAD AVE. nuS SU m & Loan Association 7i6 Ehn St. Winnetka 1611