Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1939, p. 50

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- support thec mle societ. They arV<' anet* et ~armn ieue o ltertan 4:30)i orde tegetrids dwn.AUf, those lennlg on ttendng m e bpresent, Tlurr.'ay. October 36 7 'p.m.,Boys' Choir meeb: i theý parluli bouse. Friiay, October 27 Il a.rn. The Worns Guild meets In Uic Perish Eouse tosew. Mll members aarc vked to b. Present. In tue eve. ning the. Townsendcu ugn alo 'en Vêe..It in. to, be heid in Uic parish bouse, Uic public. beingi-. ,vitedto attend. ýSaturiay.0Otober 38 *0 .m. Girls' choire meets I parfsh bouse for rehearsal. 8 pana. "Pan.emnoniuni Palace" will have ifs w-rand ocening, featurlng thi. "Catacombe." Ch-irs and tables willý b. mranged I n ftle parlelibouse se tht heewill be mce o anig ceremnonis and i wll preside over the floor show. Refreshinents wIli be erveti et al finies except durIng the~ floor show. Monday, October 30> 10 an'>. The Woman's Club of Wiimcfte will open their C'ub bouse for Red cross sewint! Monr',y etfech week, startine October 30. Workers mnay brine thei r own sandwiches. St. AU. gustVne worncn are asked te participete i this sewi'ng. 7:-30 p mn. The Boy Scouts wlf meet i Uic pgrish bouse. 7 p.m. Boys' Choir meets ihe icperigh Sbouise. 8 p.rn. Adult' Choir meefsi the parfsh bouse.. Weaaesday, November, 1 8 p.m. Young Marrieds mneet I the. par- luli bouse. St. John's Lutheran (Missouri Syiiod) Wilmettceand Park avenues J. H. Gockel, pester SuavicEà 9:5a.rn.-Pirst% service.. P.-30 a.r.-Sunday school and Bible cl55a. .euda chool class for chul.d dren of threc to five yeers. Il a.m.-Seconcl service. %j rDxY-%A................ ngrj "Pur Dicestfi" .............. Lt Solo-EIye Bath Not. Seen......... Gau <Miss Aines) The Sunday school wfll meet.at 9:45 There are classes for cbldren betweeî the ages of tlhc kindergarten and thE high schooi. Visitors are cordially *in vited. The Women's Guild wlfl meet.Monday morning, October 30, at I0 o'clock. Tht worlc of thé guild li for the benefit ol ýgood causs n which the womén of, th, ehurl and community are intercsted, AUl womcn of Kenilworth flot otherwise engegedon Mondays are Invited te corne ln for as, much iteneas. they, can sea Evangrelilcal LuthWJeran Seventh street et Greenleaf " A BOUSE 0F WORSHIP". The Rev. David R. ICabele, pastor. RUMBA? SERVICES Church sehool ............... 9:45 a.m, Morning worship .............. il e.m. Thec music for the Services ef Worslip next Sunday Is as foliows: Moruing Servie Prelude-Chorale. and Prayer............. Bolnaunn Anthcrn-Gret and Glorlous .... Haydn The. Senior Choir Dr. William E. Bosch Sice Postînde-' 'Toccata" frein Gothie Suite ........Bellnann Evenig Service Prelude -Minister March" froin Lohengrin ............. Waner, "«Notturno" from i Mdsumnier Nioht's Dreain........ 'Mendelssohn '*Adagio," from Moonlight Sonata....... ....Beethoven Anthemi-f Y oeM....... Laning SThe 'lKeh Qchool Choir Solo--Be Thou Paitfi Unto Death............ Mendessohn Albert Eckenberg Postlude Frost Victoria McLeod-Ministry of Music The Woman's sorl1etY .wfll meet Thurs. day efternoon of this week at the home of Mrs. Scott. S. Smith, 525 Lake avenue, ilimette. The Confirmation dlase wiil meet rhursdey afterneon et 4 o'ciock. The Senior choir wtil rehearse Tliurs- day evening et 7:30 o'clock. The Junior choir wili rehearse Satur- day et 10 a.m. Li Kenilwortli avenue and Warwick rond, KeWilworth.. Rev. Leland liobart Danforth, rector. ............... xol y Communion 9:e am........unday achodl il ..... oring prayer and sermon renPreludç . ..........Sice Virlna Knapp LProces oi nlSad Up f For Jeu Webb e ynmin-Preise to tW eHoli*ést .Dyrkes Anhcn-Anleulia Tehaicwk Love................... .Walton RecessioIa-eu <n 0f Glor à.ycn Smart CleJohn Tomas-l~<Mse Jinnetka Bible Chierchi 8M Eim street MeIVrIn M. Sgue ministe SUNDAY, OCTOBERt 29 9:45 a.rn. - Bible s*hoot. Il' a.rn.-Morning worship. 5 p.an. - Bible Feflowsblp Group- speakers. Mr. and Mrs. Wiibur Nor. ton, out-going inissienaries te Africe. Christian Crusaders - speaker. Mr. Chuck Bernerdi. 7:30 p.m. - Organ Meditations - Harriet Llndhahl. THURSDAY; NOVýEMBER 2 2 p.n. - Wemen's Prayer meeting. 2:30 pin. - Womnen's Missionary Fel- Iowship. "Mission Fields ef the World."C 7 p.ni, Teacher Training course, 8 p.m. - Heur of. Prayer andi Praise. Wiioate Methodist Wilniette avenue et Lakte avenue Erskine Martin Jeffords. minister 9 1 Marvi Rusk, student assistant "Living Lite" is the theme f the min- ister's sermon fer next Sunday monng, October 2", et. the il o'ciock worship service. The service begins with the Or.a gan' Prelude at 10:45 o'ciock and the ln- t treit is sung jnst before il. Yeu are mný vited te share in the entire service. The. special music for next Sundey morning as arrangea by Dean MeSloy, director. annd Mrs. Sarah M. Eilert, or- w ganist, will be as foleows: Organ Prelude: eun wui oc seveu u. ai n 17D. iuu w aura division. Ihe bmen of the chnrcb wM h ave a hain dinner Friday evening, Movember 3. et 6:30 o'clock at the church. The speaker will b. the. 1ev. C. Hf. Newham of Cov. enant Methodist church, Evanston. The. music will be by Dean McSloy. Horace Young la the toastmnaster. TIcioets May be seured frorn W. S. Sutherland, C. Roll1in Smnith. anàd Uich comanittee. Our Scout troopo wiii meet au follows: Tuesday - 3:45 - Girl.' Scout Troop 4. Tuesday i- 7:3),- 1oy Scout ' T'oop Thursday -3 - Girl Scout ýTroop> 2. Nlnth street et.Greenleaf avenue James T. Venekiasen, rmnister Our rnornInq worship service .Wlllb. held at il o dlock. The ministier wiil preach ,on thic.theme, "Uno.bstructed Chennels.". We cordially ýinvite you. to worsbip with us. The music for the morning worship service, arrange? by Miss Erma Rounds, organist-director wlil be as follows: pre. lude, "Indien Summer' - Brewer; pro* cessiojiel, "AiHaillich Power of Jess Naine;" afthem. "Jesus Only," Rotoli;, solo "Th b9ghty G£k4 Bath Sjpienp. Cas, Êward Otis, sololst, organ post. inde, "Grand March- <Qucen of Sheba) Gounod. The Sunday sehool wIi meet et 9:30 o'clock lin ait departinents. New schoiarà are being reccived every Sunday. The Pastor's class for those wbo wish to prepare for church rnembershlp wili nicet at 9:30 o'clock for a halt-hour of study. The Aduit Bible class will meet et 10 o'clock for the study of the lesson, "The Covenant Prayer of Dlavid." We invite' yen to stuciy witli us. Junior ciiurch, for the chiidren of par- ents who attend the moirning wrshlp service, 3vill 1* heid et Il o'clock. In the Tuxis club. the bith srhool group of yong people, Uic topic wifl be, 'Wbat Is Reai Freedom?" Ai the high school youig peoule are invited. The club~ nicets at 5:30 o'clock in the chepel. The Westminster Fellowship wiill meet it 6:30 oelock at the homne of the minis- ter, 826 Greenleaf avenue. Ail coilege> and post-college young people are cor- dially welcomed. The topic wil be, "Planning a Lite." The. Wednesday Evening Bible Heur w'ill be heid at.8 o'clock in the chapel. In itir course of studies. on "lcnow .Yeur wishing t0 Icarn more ef the teachings oft he Church wil b. helti Wednesdey Kertlmorh UriOnevenines at 8 o'clock. TpiI are weicome tO attend te classnext Wdhestiay eve.1 Dr. 19rbert L. WMleft,. minuster ninie. The clies will continue for nine1 DrWUettVs subiect for Sundav, Oc.coeuteWdese, t9br 2. wU b. "'The Clianging Word." The wornan's soclctv ivil1 meef Thurs. fi e lcehurcl WM Iobuve day aternoon, November 2. et 2 o'clock IIon.omI. Da. N sbembers wlll ethficehurch A -cordial InvitatOion .ex. .'ale Y ................. Verdi Beula Edwards, Harold I oveJoy, Gunther Decker Jude: Allegro .......... andel CALENflAR OF 41E WEEK Fris7. Octooer 27 5 - North End circle Book Review, Lakeside circle Northweet circee -Cub Pack Saturday, ob" e3

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