Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1939, p. 49

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sirer, wrnete. uests wii1 corne in costume at » o'clock and will be entertained in lHallowe'en style. Wilmna Kno0p. and DorisGoode are in charge of refreshmnents. Barbara Betts and ýPhil Hoelz aàre.designing the invitations and decorations. Phil ,Osborn .and Bill Bug r s sisinginplanig the eveniing'sen- tertainmient. Members of the new Theta Upsilon Rho bowling teams Will meet earlier in the evening'at the Wilmette alleys to begin- competitive play for an en- graved trophy. George Williams and Howard Decker are team captains in ,he league. The play will begin at 7 and Will conclude around 8: 30 o'clock. Elected Oficer Jane McClintock was recently elected a vice-president of Theta Up- silon Rho in charge of devotionaîs an¶d s~ocialservice wôtk spô1sÔ'd' by the group. Mr. Decker was elect- ed to the position of third vice-presi - dent in charge of social acetivities to succeed Wally Lyman. Theta Upsilon flho is the college age young peopie's group of the WiI- riette Methodist church. The regu- Iar meetings are held at the church clubrooms each Sunday evening at- 6 o'clock, The mernbership at pres- ent includes over 40 North Shore young people. VocationalBooks Ray Photo .Albert G. Ackermcjnn, Jr., 811 Park avenue, W:Zmette (above) wasrecentl?,-elected to the young adult pro gram êomittee of the. Rock River con ference of the new united Met hodi at church. He will be one of the two repre- sent atives of the ntirt1hcrn dis- trict. Mr. Ackermann and Miss Mildred Farmer tvere delegates to the annual conference meeting held earlier this month at the St. James Methodist church in Ch!ica go. Marvin Rusk, assistant pastor of the Wilmette Methodiat chu rch. was ordqined a deacon at the saine conference. The terms o! three directors ex- pire this year, they being Daniel, McCann, who is president of the* as- sociation; George S. Dalgety, of Ev- anston, and- Major George A.. Quih-, ian of Wilmette.. The nominating committee recommende<j the réélec- tion of;2r. Mçcann and Mr., Dalgety and.proposes Attorney James J.ý Barour frmer state senator, Ev- astiboni, tofrep'lace Major Quinlan. The annual dinner of the directors will be held at -the, North Shore hotel the 'evening o! November, 14. Mr.. Dalgety will be master of ceremo- nies. The guest o! honor will> be Mrs., Thom.as F.> Leahy, wife o! the fou;nder o! the organization, who was its presidlent at the, time of his death. His son, James F. Leahy, is treas- urer. Mayor Henry D. Penfleld of Evanston and Mrs. Penfield, Presi- d4ent ary . KCnn the wWilmette Village board, and Mrs. Kinne, Rob- ert Kingery, chairman o! the Chicago Planning commission, and Mrs. King- ery have been invited. Earl E. Orner, former Wilmette president, is vice-president of th~e association, and G. P. Johnston of Wilmette, is a member of the board. The Evanston Lawn Bowling as- sociation, which is an inter-organi- zation, having its green near the club ho.use, has elosed a verv sr T h e get-together was devoted largely to an oral quiz conducted by Skipper Fred Maas and, Mate,,Ed. Colegrove., Subjeets reviewed were commonplace in a Sea Scout's vo- cabulary, but counted >am ong wrong unilest. answered unhesitatingly.f Star performer. was Bud Streed. MaP Igarbor The meeting was adjourned as two of, the Sea Scoute were receivlng in-, structions on, the method used to map the harborn This is part of a requiiremeént for the rank of Able Sea scout. Last Sunday our, final saili of the season was held. The weather was very favorable and our season of experience was evident by t he way the schooner was handled. tlpon en- tering he harbor, masts and stays were rmoved and a party ipn4er o&is mnade the round~s of the harbor channels. On Libéry Sheif *With the increased attention given to vocational gidance in the high scbools, young people are becomlng moeand more interested in read- ing of the opportunities that will be open to them. Publishers have beeni alert, <uring the last few years, te* offer material up. te date as to sta- tistical information and settings for stories. The books on display in the downstairs room at the publiele - (Contributed) Pandemonium Palace, a presen- tation St. Augustine's young people's fellowship, will be open to the public this coming Saturday night at 8 o'clock ini the parish house. The main floor has been completely re- modeled to emulate a supper club, except for the fact that there is a suitable place, and space, for dnt- Library Collection Recent volumes added to the col- lection of the Wlmette public library were listed this week as.tollows: Historlcal Novels Bristow-]De mewr.~ at that' ows or ine se ~aso.JAas~i U3t ine *ito~w tJaium-A w( ANNONCE MTHglow o! candlelight. In this seques- caflbY-Thôr, A~NQN~E I~THtered scene the same courteous serv- Mr. and Mrs. Karl1 Knobel, 1431 ice, and the sarne menu, will be of- calm, resti Central avenue, Wilmette, announce fered as in'the main floor room of Cata combs. the birth of a daughter, Janice Ed- Pandémonium Palace. Soft strains This Satu na, at the St. Francis hospital, Ev- of a well controlled radio will rest ness the fi: anston, Wednesday, October 18. the ears.of the noise weary wander- nium Palac Janice Edna has a brother, Peter, e rs who seek asylumn from the gayer ed periodici 5, anid, a sister, Diane, 3. proceedings and wish to relax ln the ter.season. tfui atmosphere o! the urday evening is to wit- ârst edition of Pandemo- ce, wh.ichwill be present- ally tbroughout the win-.

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