Grandmother Is CImsen by Bride By an odd .coincidence, h e r grandmother's wedding dress of cream tfaille,, whIch . Miss 'Loraine Efleen Lansing wore Wednesday af- ternoon for bier marriage, to Fred- erick. P. Heitman, son of Mrs. FP. P. Helétmnan, 212 Greenlea! avenue, Wil- mette, was almost exactly in the mode f oay. Made very lt the back. with, a bustie', its, square neck- was edged in. ruching, and the tiglit titting bodice laced down the front. The bride, whose, grandmother,. Mrs. P. H. Brodesser :o! Milwaukee' was among the wedding, guests, also wore au, heirloomn veil ot rosepoint Duchesse lace -and a cap.of, rose- point. She carried aboùunt> of loo,. J., formneriy of Ev- auznso.. All white flowers decorated the 'al- tar of the chapel o! St. Luke's pro- cathedral in Evanston where th e ceremony was performed in the presence of the families at 4:30 o'clock. Following the ceremony a reception was' held at the Georgian hotel. Attending the bride was her sis- skirts, airrea a urne ueluw, the waist, were very hül at the back* Their ostricli plume hats matched their dresses and they carried round colonial bouquets made o! the white petals of Easter liles. The yelloW stamens, ot the Miies were i the centen o! each bouquet.. Jack Heitman was his brother's best man, and the ushens included HarolId Nelson, Robert Bjork, and Vogue Photo Mr., and Mrs. George W, May,- hercy of 108 Third street, WUl- mette, announce the engagement of their daughter, Doris Marie,. to J. Austin Wivksum of Chi- ca go. The wedding date will be chosen later. Raymond Jones Oct. 28 Chooses Wedding Saturday evening at 8:30 o'clock at«the home of her parents, Mr. and D eso ai Mrs. Joseph A. Kolb, Miss Evelyn Deso ai . Kýolb will become the bride of, Ray-ý- MissGrelCmn Kn mond F., Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. 'W Alfred E. Jones, >1224ý Gregoy ae- Knupfr7CecntpaWli nue. Pollo*ing the ceremony, Which wsmriâls audyi will be .performed by the Rev. Father ofwit -iprsatin made on' Hayes ofS. Jeromnes church, a re- cess luneswihsurnek ception will be held. sleeves, -and a train. A fing ,Mr. and, Mrs. Kolb, W ho tormnerly veil fell tromf a Juliet cap, and resided at. 1224 Gregory avenue,, Wil- carrieci gardenias and Stephano mette, are now making their -home a cascade.bouquet. The'bridegri at 7320 Sheridan road,ý Chicago. Donald- Joseph Murphy et Wilm The bride will h ave three attend- is the son of Mrs., J. D-. Murph ants, Mrs., Alliso n Ruth erford of Chii- Sioux 'City. Iowa. cago as matron of honor,-,Mrs. Roy Two large bouquets ýof« fali floi Stevens (Frances Milis. of Wilmnette) in white decortdteatro and Miss Helen.Burns, bothi of Chi- chapel of the Ffrst Congregati cago asbridsmads.churcli in. Evanston where the Ronald Fuerniann of Wilmfette will mony-was performed at 4:30 o<e be Mr. Jones' best man, and the by the Rev. Hugli Elmer Br( ushers are George Geysercher, and Following the ceremony a recei Gerald and Frank Kolb, brothers. ofwas held at the Georgian hoQtê the bie.'ta the near relatives and close frit After a niotor trip to New Orleans of the bride and bridegroôm. and through thé South, Mr. Jones Miss Helen Manley of Wilmi and his bride will live in Rogers the bride's only attendant, wor Park. gown of teal blue velvet madei Mrs. Alfred E. Harper of Evans-' short puff sleeves and a round ni ton entertained at luncheon October She carried a bouquet of ponr 7, for the bride, anid evening parties chrysanthernums shading fromn have been given by Mrs. Stevens and Iow to deep rust and wore a Mr.Rutherford. hat made of a few of the same Mrs. flowers. Leste Cilis 'Winntkans Annow'ic. Leste .CiliI DughIf.r'sEngagement Set W eclding Day Mr. an rs. rank D. Reyn Miss Margaret Caille Davis and nounce the engagement ofthti Lester J. Gilgis have chosen Satur- daughter, Katharine Hovey, to J day, November 4, as their wedding Gage Greenwood, son ot Mr'. ea day and are to be married in an n- Mrs. Albert H. Greenwood ot, W ftonal ceremony at 4:30 o'clock in Hartford, Conn. In honor of the nE the Electric club of Chicago. miss ly engaged couple. young Mr. Greo Davis is the daugher o! Mr. and wood's brother anid sister-in-law, Mrs., David Sherman Davis o! James Greenwoods ot, Springfie Evanston , and Mr. Gilgis the son of are giving a dinner panty Saturd Mrs. Wirt W. Gilgis o! Evanston, evening. iupfer, WalteÉ' mette, gowii iprin- .long gertip d she )tis ini room, nette. hy of :Wers d 'the tional ce re- clock rown. ption Il for ierds ette, we a with Leck. npon yel- tiny Lyman Buckley of Chicago was Mr. Murphy's best mian,, and usher- ing were Richard N~ugent and Arthur Bra un; both of Evaiiaton. Mrs. Knupfer, mother o! the bride, was ini fuchsia velvet with a baum )ds marten scarf and a corsage of Afri- an- can daisies in variegated colors. 'eir Mrs. Murphy, mother o! the bride- ohn groom, ivore rust taffeta and a cor- and sage ot gardenias. 'est Ralph Niehaus, tenor, ýon thé tacul- ew- -ty o! De. Paul university,. sang tor ýen- the wedding. and Miss Magdaline the Mas sman of De Pauw, played the ld, organ. a short moti trip, M1r. Mur- be at home at nnetka. a few movies. *the immediate families will esent. Pickard and his bride wili be ne after Novernber 1,at60 Hoyne avenue, Chicago. Hostess Mrs. C, C. Carnahan, 700 Central avenue, entertained the Tuesday club at luncheon at her home Tues- day of tht. week. On Friday she will be hostess to the membens o! the Northea8t circle of St. Augus- tine's Episcopal churdli. *~at 04a.