- - --- -A gala round of Hallowe'en parties On W edding iourney which will ae in a ttal of more Miss Jane Molyneaux agtro brants of ail ages is scheduled this Mr.andMrs- Toma P.Molneaxweek-end for members of the Shaw- Mr. nd rs.Thoias . MlyneuxneeCountry Club. of Wilmette. 219 Lelicester rond, Kenilworth, and Tomorrowý night(ria)tej- John A. Breen, Jr., 80ol of Mr. and ior-high group of Shawnee, boys and Mns. John A.-.Breer,--140 Sheridan girls will stage their.first dancing road, Winnetka, who were, married Party of the seaÉoni the Club bail- at Il lo'elock Saturday monning at room which h as, been specially dec- orated with the tradfitional Hal- St. Francis, Xavier church in Wil- îowe'en trimniings. A capacity audi- mette, are gomngto Hionolulu for six. ence of -seventh and eighth gradens weeks on their wedding trip. When is expected by, Mrs., Wlter Moore they neturn they wil 'be at horne in adMs alBuh h r ln Ëvanton.ning the party. Evastn.On. Satunday afternoon, the annual. Very tanl candelabra.and bouquets :Shawnee children's Hallowe'en hi- of white liies decorated the church jinks will be staged, with a.program. for the, ceremony which was per- packed fuli of the seasonal games formd bytheRev.Thoas Brkeand stunts which are eVéer-popular, formd bytheRev.Thoas Brkeand a round of. special Al HalIow' s of Saints Faith, Hope, and CharitY Eve surprises 'planned by thie clubi parish. ,Following the ceremony a committee, headed by Mrs. Cathi- wedigbreakfast wee. served at erneRomers. A~ntei T.Gog . Shawnee Country club. Shawnee members will gather on A intaMsGereS Saturday night for thie first informaI Pa'rker, is chairman of the Judg- The bride wore a weddmng gown o! dinner dance of the season planned ing school the Garden, Club of lustrous white satin, the bodice em- by Richard Iloweil, chairman, Illinois is sponsoring Tuesday# broidered in pearîs. Thie sleeves and irnembens of the club entertain- a1 dW neayNombr4 weelogan igtfitng n manent committee. Del Baker and his adWdedy oebr1 wen log ad tght!iting an aorchestra wil play for dancing, and and 15, at the Palmer House. Ail tulle veil held in place by a coronet prizes are planned for thie most memtbers of the state garden o! pearîs, fell thie length of the long spectacular costumes of the eve- club federation, as well as those train. She carried lilies of the valley ning- merely interested in the Judging and white orchids. school, may register for the Miss Ann Molyneaux, thie maid of course with its two dazia of honior andI sister of the bride, wore HoIy Conîforfer $uilds lectures on planning, growing, a gown of American beauty velvet. ehIiig n u~nad« * Her hat of velvet lied tlowers to Announc, Next Hos s ranging n ugng n r match lier gown, and she carried The next meeting day for the rubrum lilies and celosia, both en- guilds o! the Woman's auxiliary o! hancing thie brilliant colon of her thie Church of thie Holy Comforten dress. is Monday, October 30. Thie guilds International Club to * Very unusual and lovely was thie wiIl meet at the homes o! members effect .o! the. gowns, of thie brides- for sewing followed by luncheon.~ GiveMethodisi Progarm maids, cathedral glass shades o! vel- Among thie hostesses will be Mns.. vet which seemed to .absorb and ne- Ransom Sherman, 1101 Greenwrood A joint session o! the Wilmette flect thie colors in thie stained glass avenue, who will entertain thie Gris- Methodist Woman's guild and tRie windows of St. Francis church. Mrs. wold guild, and Mrs. L~ E. Mitten, Woman's Missionary society will be J. H. Paschen and Miss Marguerite 310 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, to held on Thursday, November 2, in Doyle were' i lavenden, Miss' Jean entertain thie Stewart guild. the Churcli parlons. The guild ex- V'onglveand Miss Jule Cavàriaugh Thie Chase guild will meet witli ecutive meeting will be heltI at 10:30) , l 1 served at noon. De set. Wedding Tékes Place in Maine Mr,.and Mns. Roy C. Osgood, 423. Essex' road, Keffilworth, accon,- panied by their son and daughter-in- la w>, MrU. and Me~s. Gilbert H. Os- good (Frances Bell of Winnetka), ne- turned, home Monday !romh Portland, Maine, where they attendedý the wed-ý ding, 'Friday, o! t heir son, Alfrect Morse Osgôod, and Miss Elizabeth' Paine. Because of the recent death of the bride's father, the wedding was a quiet aif air> at- the home: of the bride's, mother, Mns., Roscoe R. Paine, for the immediate . f amilies and a !ew intimate frie nds. To thie strains o! ongan. music, thie bride came down a long mahogany staircase andI entered the candlelit living room. She wore a princess -wedding dress of white satin, a long tulle veil, and carried a 'bouquet of lilies of the valley. Mrs. Osgood was in burgundy velvet with a cor- sage of white orchids, and Mrs. Paine, mother of 'the bride, wore, a gown of deep blue trimmed .with sequin girdie, and a corsage' of white orchids. The bride attended the Wayneflete Latin school andI is a graduate o! Smith college. She spent a jui~nor year abroad. Mr. Osgood, a gradu- ate of Phillips-Exeter academy and Princeton univensity, iW a senior in thie Harvard Law school. He' is also a memben of tRie Elm3 club of Prince- ton andth Re Lincoln Inn society of Cambridige.' After a weddig tripRie andi his bride will live at 21 Chaun- cey -sti'e.t.Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. Roy Osgood, who has been at the Osgood home at Camden, Maine, since eanly summer, went down to Peaches Point, Marblehead, a.few weeks before the wedding to visit her son andi daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robent Osgood, for- merlyaLWilmette. She was met there by Mn. Osgood, andi the !amily went on to the wedding. rwo events are scheduled fon Fni- Y, Nove»iber 3. TRie. Jewish cun- It events class will be addnessed Zfrs. Felx A. Levy at 10:45 i e mornig, andi et 2. Mrs. Aanon ýntor wi il1 review "Children o! d" -by Vardis Fisher.