FWE ENTSA COY TWO DOLLAIRS A YEAR Neus materfalMust rech editor by ?uesday non.. Contributions ,Iaould bear ersth<r's naine, required for reference and net nÇcessurily for pubication., OCTÉOBERIl26,1939 GirlScout JVeek, et' good ne'Ws that Girl Scout We a corne round-again-googd new bcasei is heartening to. be reminded of the steady growth of an organization that tries to train future citizens to look for the faëts' make intelligentchoices,ý and build a better, saner world on the'basis of friendly. under- standing.of other people and their problerns. The1 local Girl Scout organization, like Girl Scout groups ail over this country is demonstrating this week how Girl Scouting helps future hom.mnakersandai<itizens to learn useful things about homemaking, arts and crafts, the out-of-doors, international friendship, citlzenship, and health and safe- tY'. Ail are important for any community that wants to care for the future growth. and present needs of its people. The memberships of Girl Scouts of this village are just a fraction of the number of girls who should be served by this prac- volunteers are needed. to- e xpand the work. lere is one investment of time or moeny that can pay us ail big dividends.- Vour Dru ggist This is National Druggists' Week, desig- nated as a peniod ini which we should pause in our niad rush from the cradle to the. FIVE CEN TS A COPY No Vigilantes The Federal government has entrusted to the Bureau of investigation the duty of ail investigations in relation.to espionage, sabotage, subversive activities and viola- tions of:neutrality.regulations, and has re- quested.all: law enforcing-agýencies, how- e ver> small,, to cooperate with the FBI. Speaking of this in an, address before the annual convention of the, International. As- sociation of Chiefs of Police recently, J. Edgar Hoover, head of the bureau, said:, "Just as the dragnet. neyer served as 1a cure for crime, neither willsimilr'dies' be an effective, inoculation against espion- age. The paramount task .is to. secure the facts and establish the guilt of those -who, owe their allegiance to a. foreign power be- fore invoking the authority of law. This is the function of .duly constitutecd, capable and effiint law enforcing and investiga- tive bodies. Every effort must be directed in an orderly manner by responsible, well trained, professional law enforcement of- ficers, totally devoid of hysteria. The evil spirits which would destroy America must be met and conquered. In this there can be no middle ground. "In the wave of patriotism that is rising in the country there lies the danger of over- zealous grolvps or individua.1s engaging in acts wbich are distinctly un-Americ n i me thod, no matter how patriotic in aim. We need no vigilantes in this situation. The vigilante method is distinctly contrary to, the American ideals of justice. The FBI seeks the cooperation of all law enforce- mient officers. This combined attack by fed- eral and state forces should be sufficient so far as investigation and prosecution are ,concerned. Beyond these efforts there is a. need, of course, for the indivi.dual coopera- tion of all sincere and earnest Americans. This. should be limited, however, to passing on to, the nrouero fi-inI - recent years, ier'items be ias increased «"Freedom's base is free press," said IRepre- sentative BoUes of Wisconsin. Yes, and, it's a of the long mnighty solid foundation. After all a war of words of bulleta. ýrn would Win a foot- Often enough, was THE PJANTOM .ESmRTER * v u - , J w u r i. G U iu. w e 3A a U I. fT 5Ix .w II Uw 1 0 s p e l l. Next Tuesday is aallowe'en. Monday cornes "picket night." The kidg, flot believing . n the calendar, have been at their pranks for a week or mnore., The' smart viflager will.put under look and key,any movable. article, especiafly gar- bage and refuse containers. The only way to beat the youngsters is to leave nothing for then, to carry away. Senator . Borah, informs the country that Brn- tain is backing the effort to repeal the munitions embargo, said the Monday, papers. "'.informs?", "Reminds" iîs a better word. Corne next Saturday, or thereabouts. ac- cording to some -of our ýmost promninent states- men, we will be up to our necks in the Eur .opean wa r, on account it is e4peited thatý by that time the embargo on munitions will have been lifted. That suits us, just fine. If we have to get into a war, the present one is the very kind of a war we would choose. The soldiers of the two gireatest -1ighting ýmaetflnes in the wo-rld are certainly having a swell time, with nothing to do but enjoy theniselves. The Germans on one side and the French on the other, are fraterniz- ing like nobody's business. 0f course, one side or the other throws a firecraeker into the oppos- ing ranks, but it is always accompanied by a sly winlç which says as plainly as words, "~No offence, brother. Just feel in a playful mood. How'd you like to trade some hummingbird tongues. for a nice mess of frog's legs?" Or, it niight .be simply a signal inviting the cômrades of the opposing army to "corne over and join us il-a.poker game." Yes, if weýhave to go to war, l-et's get into this one quickly as possible, before sonoe gets mnad. A jury of eight men and four women acquit- ted a Chicago policeman who was prosecuted, for killing a tavernkeeper. Looks like a mis-, carriage of justice. The President has set a three-mile lin-ut for subm arines. Yes, but will, h e -b at k ow1 when they reach it? Colonel Lin dbergh' has again created quite a furore. He opposes repeal of the embargo We are flot sure how much the Colonel knowsl about what will or will flot ken iusrout f %un .04