CarloslPhoto Marshall Photo Mrs. Max P. Rapacz (right) oqf Winnetkcz wiU play thie anooping, borrowing neighbo'r, Mrs. Canby, in 1 The Poat Road," to, be produced next' month by thle Winnetka Drama club'. She not only ha haît. a succesfui cramatic career, but ia an attorney, as well. Miss Mary Jane Samuela of Evanaton, a graduate of the Northweatern University -Scilool. of Speech and a teacher of creative dramatics, wil also have an in- portant role in the production. BaRud Àuthentic New England. Set for 'Post Road" Production By C.L. P. Winnetka Community Flouse, usu- ally teeming with activity, la burst- ig at the seams, now that the pro- duction crew for "Post Uoad" has rea.lly started to work in 'eaxrnest. This' mystery drama to be given November 14, 15 and 16 by the Win- netka' Drama club, requires an au- thentic New England set, and bas enough sound effeets to baffle a H-ollywood producer. Everything points to an exception- al production. Mrs. John Monk, di- rector, is backed by stage manager Robert McDonald Brown, and pro- ducer Mrs. David Kennicott. Mr Brwhas been identified with thej GÇrinneil college theatre and Omaha with Threshold Players and Loyola theatre. Mr-.Wadts-hobby la yen- triloquism, and he offers to produce any sound, hurnan or inhunman, on dernand. In, this play, while he wlll be be- hind the scees, Mr. Wade actually plays a leadmng part and bis experi- ence and genius bid fair to give tbis difficult production a highly profes- sional touch. Two llniversdty Guild Teas Given iWiimette Two of the four large acquaint- ance teas held on Monday by the University guild were Wilmette par- ties and the others Evanston affaira. The Wlmette hostesses were Mrs. Burt J. Denman, 21 Linden avenue, and Mrs. Mark A.. Brown, 32 Lmnden avenue. Several h u n d r e d guests wltm OUR lsiSTFLAT WALL PAINT, th. #igI* salut for t.wsmnq umoot h.. pratrosais of votwIhome nS I.I p O off.beufiful color. Y.. m y boàès frou, many Iovufy pastel çhofn As. ln I JtabUalaed 60 Years 1177 WIWIETTE AVE. WILMETTU JO SEPH ON DAVIS ST. "Post Road" depends upofl Soufld son and aaugflter, Jackie anadMMa cffeets . . . radio statie . . . police, lyn Jean, and Mrs. Lauts' moth( sirens .. radio announcerents . . . Mrs. George De La Crois, of 12 babies' cries. . . and enough other Twenty-first street, spent laat weE weird sound effects to baffle aiiy or- ehd visitiig Mr. Lauts' sister, Mi dinary group of amateurs. Orino Otten of Sterlioig, Iii. The Lai Fortunately the Winnetka Drama family returned last month. frç club has John Wade, experienced ini their -suxnmer home at Lake Ko this, type of wqrk at Notre Dame, konongl Wis. 'I