IYOVJVE»FUNI> A ?ERFECTILY SWELL PLACE TO BAT A CENTRAL LOCATION, WJTH LOTS 0FPBOOM TO PARK: 1401 Sherîdaln Rd-@ WIlmefte WiI.,.ffe 5434 for: leser-vaflons amd Party Arranoinmuls P.S.-Our fPrices. Are Defitely Mtoferate Plctures 1 and 2, (top) showý the comipleted lagooni No. 7, the mZost northerly in the, project. -The top pictuire shows that portion which is north of, Dundee road, and the one below it, the section of the saine lagoon south of Dundee road. The third pict ure from the, top shows the lagoon No. 6O about one- third. completedi while the- fourth, from the top shows la.goon No., 5 in its completed stage, but into whlch the water has, not been turned. Ail equipment !à now'concentrated on lagoon No. 6, with a view of comiý pleting it by the mîddle.,of Novem- ber. Work wiil then be started àon the éhannel between lagoons 6 and 7, scheduled for completion. The lower picture is one of the vast ~parkhng aea oon to be ânih- ed immediately south of Tower road, and along Skokie boulevard. It will have a capacity of 400 cars. Safety Siants Dy the Miinoisa Automobile Club Mony tiftI. girls, like MaryS. miss 0 lot of fun because their vision is defective. They ore nervous and fired, and "diil" because their eyes use up so much energy straining to, ses cl.orly. If their vision were car- rected, they'd feel and act better. And they'd progresu io me. er thought it 'would It aUl happened so1 Few drivers foresee the hideous and nauseating 'reality of. such a tragedy. But things happen f a s t when you travel fast - children break .away quickly and run. Be aiert at ail times. Prevention is stili the best accident cur'e. HATTSTROM & SANDERS OPTOMETEISTS & OIPTICIANS Nors-":30. Eveninga by Appt. 1724 'Shrmn Ave.. Evanston the rightis1 impracticaDie. Fallen leavez Plus Autumn rain TuTti.safest atTeets To drivera'-bane.- VISfT AT ROCKFO1W with their daughter, Betty, a Rock- Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Baker of ford. coflege freshman. Orly a week 212 Green Bay road, Winnetka, drove earlier, Mr. anid Mrs. Baker had re- last week-end to Rockford, to attend turned froin a mnotor trip to St Paul,, the Father's day week-end festivities Minneapolis, and Duluth.