j, ltubbara Woodls, on the evenings of October 18 and 19. The performances were distinctly successful from the standpoint of cast, director, and audience. The play is a rather ,well known one, and has been a"favorite of late years with amateur producers. The locale. is New Englarid of the present day, and the characters a typical, New England family and their associates. The play. brings out well-known Yankee* traits and. abounds in dry Yankee hurnor. The leading characters are Dr. Haggett, and Abbie, the1 maid in his home. Other characters ar e the. doc- tor's wife and his two daughters, the sweetheart of, one of the daughi- ters,. an art critic, a -forger: of paint- ings* and an art dealer. Rèsponsive Audience It is fair to say at the outset that ail members of the cast turned ina. very good, performance, and theau- dience was very appreciative and responsive, especially on the eve- ning of t he second performance. However, two of the players, and fortunately,' the two leading char- acters, gave really outstanding por- trayais. Lloyd Faxon, as Dr. Hag- gett, and Katherine Hayes, as Abbie. the Maid in the Haggett home, were exceptional. The -audience enjoyed, keenly Mr. Faxon's Dr. Haggett in his experiences with art dealers, art AT "BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION, miss -Nancy Arms, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Arms, 221 Woodbine avenue, came1 home lastý week-end from MacMurray college, Jacksonville, ni.. She: was here for the 'celebration of the thirteenth birthday of her brother, Richard. Mr., and Mrs. J. WW. Borre, 2011 Schier avenue, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Piacek. and son, Ed- wardp of. 2004 Birchwood avenue, mrotored to Crawfordsviile, Ind.,. last week to visit, the Borre ts-soni, Earl, a freshman at Wabash cege.~ Frank Bell, C.S.B. .1 New YorlAc: iey Nember of thè Boaàrd of'Lecturesbip of The Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientistý' in Boston,,Massachusete. Thuroday, Novemùber 2,1939ý in the Church. Edifice, Glencoe' Beach Rfoad. and Greeneaf Avenue THE PUBLIC, IS COIRDL41LY INVITED. Those hearlng a Christian Science lecture for. the first Urne or those havingspca requirernents may. obtamn seat reservations frorn the Reading Rmat .339 Park Avenue, Glencoe. A reader. family servant of many years, was admnirably suited to the part, wh ich> is probabiy the most difficult in the. play. * Acting of High Standard 0f the ,others. it is sufficient, toi say that Concetta, Aionzi, Kathleen Weiler, Jared Daniey, William Meh- ren and Phiiip Brahd, ail of whom have appeared in previous produc- tions of the Tower Players, main- trust. The1 Mille inherit thou mnaintai the. Lord a1w rd is the portion of.- ice and o! mny cup: st My lot. 1 have set 's before1 me: because writes: ire