Next Monda y evening (October 30) the democratiec off spring of two great. familles, Corneli$s Vandlerbilt,, Jr., .and the Grand Duchess Marie of Russia, .(above) will open the 1939-'40 lecture pro- gram of Northwestern university with* a discussion titled "On the, Eve of Eurppe's War," in Thorne hall on the uni versitl,'s Chicago campus. The Grand Duchess Marie, one of the. last of the Romnanofs, is the niece of Czar Alexander III of Rus-, sia. She bas written two best-selling books of autobiography, "The Edu- cation of a Princess," and "A Prin- cess in Exile." Ater a brief career in this country as a designer of womn- en's clothes, she devoted ail her time to writing and lecturing. She was in Paris on assignment at the outbreak with thdieW, FULL Juan Tenorio, - vebeur 1o, cina ~ - "La Liorona," January 12. The pro- WNEKUlLN I gram will continue in ,the second 726 ELM STREET WNE ,ILN I sernste ifsuccessf ul.