Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1939, p. 10

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BEZDEK' pS GARDPENSI CORNER 0FSKORIE BLVD.' OLD INCLISHM. 2ft I$a1.09 Value [~.for Millen Hardware Co. 1219 WimSft. Ave. according io Josepine jisirm j con, noted novelis.t. "lier tremen- dous. vitalitY and enthusiasm rbich brought the movement to this coun- try i 1912 nurtured it and made of it thue great national movement it is Ii te story of « "Jullette Low and, the Girl Stouts, " publshed by the national organization, each chapter was wrltten by a different relative or frlend. it covers ber .life .fromn the time 'she tasted sugar for the. first time fisitting on General Sher;- man'skneel" in,1864, when sàhe was. tbree yeèari old,. to ber death i1926. Eachi chapter is fllled. with colorful anecdotes of the amiusing and en- tertaining "Daisyr" as she was called by all who knew her intimately Two of the most important items on the convention ragenda will be the ,presentation >of a complete. re- vision of the Girl Scout national con- stitution,:and by-laws, and the pres- entation of a two-year plan of work for the otganlzation. If the consti- tution revisions are adopted, this wil be, the last an'mual, meeting of the national council., Conventions wrn be held in alternate.years hereafier. Trhe two year work plan, as lit bas been oùuined, stresses the need In every, community, for intelligent, well balanced, active citizens who know how to weld many difféerent contributions into one vigorous com- munIty life. To help meet tbis need, the Girl Scout organization, nation-. ally and locally, accepts the respon- sibility of heing esnecially aware in, ôry of!.D&isy ts" Uit tppiYess, fer ing f lu oth e natioaand a s e she achieved what she set out to do force; that its duty to society in- and, she passed on ber way havlng cludes at aIl timnes a responsibiity shared and given happiness to ,so to promôite better understanding be- many c o u n t 1 e s s thousands of teen nationalities,' classes and others." races, and to make Girl Scouting As, a girl, outdoor sports particu- truly a universal slsterbood. larly lnterested Juliette Gordon Low. Pire ln Bain She was a fair tennis player, and Troop N~o. 2 of the Kenilw'ortb Girl an unusually good 'swimmer, but Scouts went te Harm's Woods on he said, "at that time,, we wilturfl over ail the materlal to the respec-. tive team heads for their workers."l Werkers te carry, "Kifs" This material wilI cotwist of a W'it with wich wilI be included for each team worker a cory of, the campaign mhanual,, a copv of the four-page. mailing folder, copies of the bookiet "Good Americang are good Neighboirs." ai sunnlv of pledge cards, Red Cross mnembership.cards and -buttons and, a âupply of window__ stickers. Mr. Feltman ennhasized the Im- portance of studyine the campaign manual, wbich 'contains important suggestions, an outline of pledge card procedure., and cuestions' and answers which have been develolied in the experience of mnany chest campaigns. IflMGrouvo Meetinzz In conclusion, Mr. Feltman re- minded the meeting that this would be the last general meetinpr of cap- tains and co-captains before the campaien gets under wav. and that ail capta is and co-cafftains should make it their businf-ss te hold sep- arate meetings durinn the ensuing week with their various team mnem- bers in order that everv la't worker may be thoroughly aualifled to in- piay aULUImgEaa it UAUmoreDserius enjoy( business of community service. of tbe Communlty Service buildii *Although thue nembers of the first We club she organized wben she was te the quite young did net realize it, their Worth~ aim was definitely community serv- turnin ice. The club was caUled tbe "Help- Hoetgi ea Dy a nungry group. , ome aGirl Scouts passed their fire, [ng tests. are planning' a week-end hike Wlmette cabin, leaving Kenil- ion Sunday afternoon and re- ig. Monday evening. - Nancy rer, Scribe. ,p No. 13 of. the Kenilwortb nie Scouts went to, Chipilly .vamTpaign ijctober 30', to rovember 6. On Sunday evening, October 29, tbe opening gun in the campaign will be sounded at tbe buffet supper rally of ahl captains, co-captains and campa ignu workers. Mr. Feltnian' urges ahl workers to attend this sup- per rally at-the Kenilworth club the eve of the opening of tbe camnaign.. An interesting pep-up program is planned. All cam'paign workers and comrnlttee members will be the lmi l.e AV*. WII...ff4 i,.&kud W.l' ardtwaIwr.. iRoosevelt. ilmore than one hun*d ilam FULL QUART Double Rich lites and Shakas Ith Fressi Fruit Flavors das for have been were sub-

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