Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Oct 1939, p. 50

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- IOur Sunday school meets hi al de. The minister will hé in the pulpit next Ipartments at 9:30 o'clock Sunday mornhig, October 22, at the Ill o*clock worship service. The Pastor's class for those who wishi The speciai music for next Sunday's to Prépare for church mnembership wifl morning worship will be as follows: mneet at 9:3o) ociock, the lesson being Organ (10:45)- for one haif hour, "Elegiac Melody .............. Grileg 'Canzoneta............... Gade The Adult Bible.cas invites. you to "Aai"from 'Sonata Pathetique- study with themù at 10 o'clock in the .........B1eethovep chapel, the lesson series being on "Great Anthern by the Choir.-.A'Ali People Prayers of the ýBible."1 that on, Earth do 'Dwell".alu Offertory Solo- Junior church at Il o'clock is, for the NieyfrtPsalmn"....... MaciDermîid chuldren of parents whio attend the morn-. Florence F arrar, ing worship service. Organ POstlude-m."Glt».ia la E cess" . . .. . .. . .aydn The Tuxis club, the high. scbool group Of Young people, wiil meet at 5:30 o'clock The Church school mes Sna in the chapel. The special speaker will mrigs at93 'lock. rhere are -be the Rev. Reginiald Wheeler, D. ID. of classes for aIl ages. ro the nurser e ok formieiIy' a .mlnsr»onary i to the Adult departnient. China, now at sedretary of the board..Alilt the young people are invited. The High School Epworth league il TeWtinerelosp will me meSudey evening. nt,6 o'clock, Mar- at 6 o'clock at the church. vin Rusk is the counsellor. Thé Auxiliary of the Christian Indus- Theta UTpsilon Rho, for young. people trial league will meet -at 5:30 o'clock at beyond high school ýage, meets Sunday the league, 8*7 W. Moônroe street, and i evein~ t 6o'lok.the anniversary dinner will follow at1 6:30 o'cloack, to which all frlends of thea The Chorus choir meets for, rehearsal league are invited.a tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock, under .__6f0 th edrsi fDenMelo-,I O*TeSokso heWmnssoclety t sfing and would like to serve the church will meet Tuiesday as follows - No. 2 with i this way, plan to attend. Mrs. Charles Kremer, 723 Laurel avenue at 12:30 oclock; No. 4 with Mrs. W. R. 9 The RummnaLe sale sponsored by the Collins, 823 Greenleaf avenue for dessert a Woman's Gulld Is being held today luncheon; No. 5 with Mrs. John Booz,. (Thursday), until 5 oeclock, at ýthe 730 Greenwood avenue at 11:30; N(O. Oi churcb. with Mrs. R. M. Johnston, 719 Laurel fo * avenue, at 1 o'clock; No. 10 with Mrs. w The Methodiat Women's association of H. F. Riley, 215 Third street at 1 o'clock; o Rock River Conference. North S h o r e NO. 12 with Mrs. R. B, Talley, 2843 group, will have its fali meeting tomnor- Blackhawk road, with Mrs. D. A. Feldon row (Frlday) at the Granville Avenue as co-hostess: Spoke 7 with Mrs. Edwai-d d Methodist church. Mrs. Erskine M. Jef- Matot, 1611 Greenwood avenue, 1 o'clock ff fords will be the-sta1téê-y. and will use luncheon. W as her subject, "Women, What of the Morrow?' I Attend our services of worship next Sunday. The mornhig service Is at il o'clock and the evening service 'at 8 I o'clock. A programi of organ music be. ginnhig at 7:45 p. m. 'will precede the evening. service. Corne early that your ¶mind may be prepared and eptv frýthe service of. worsbip. *The Confirmation clas eets on Thursday afternoon: at 4 o'clock. Choir rehearsals are as followvs: 'High School. choir, Monday at 7:30 p. .m. Se- nior choir, Thursday at 7:30 P. m. Junior choir., Saturday at 10 a. m. We invite 'al with a singing, 1voice to loin our 'choirs. There is a. group for everyone interested in using his voice to the Glory of- God. The Junior- and Senior Luther leagues meet on Sunday evening at 5-30o 'clock. The Junior league is for the.high school age and the Senior league for the coilege and business group. Our meetings a're opento al yongpeople. You will OJajoy. the ine Chrstanfellowship. An aduit class of Instruction will be- gin on Wednesday, October 25, at 8 p.m. mad continue for eigh't- consecutive weeks. This cIass Is for those wishing to pre. pare for Church menmbership and also for mnembers and friends of the church ] s'lshing to learn more of the teachings of the Church. The church wlth the beauty of a cathe- drai and! the comfort and warmth of a B reside -flivites you to Its services of xorship" next Sunday! *Luncheon will be served by the Lake- side cirle. Dr. George M. Gibson of the United Churcb of Hyde Park, Chi- Scago, will be the speaker. The East End circle will meet on Oc- tober 23 at the homne of Mrs. E. J. Melraith, 1100 Greenwood avenue. Mrs. Park, Mrs. Burd and Mrs. Macalster %vil] ssis.t. Luncheon will be served at 1230.,,",Party Sandwiches" will be, the subjct of, the talk and demonstration of Mrs. Swet, formietly associated with Betty Crocker. SThé. Northwestcircle is ln. charge of the FallReunoni Dinneir on Octüber 26. The Uorth End circle mneets thelast Monday in the month, October 30, at the home of Mdrs. Fr Pank Simmons, 1040, Ash- land avenue. 'Mrs.,Sîmmorüns will, be as- sisted by Mrs. Donald Gallie, Mrs. Wil. lis Hutson, and Mrs.- Charles, Bixby. Lncheon will be sered* at 12:30. M4rs., Paul Gross,:chairmnan, will preside over the business meeting. Thenext book >review whieh the rXorth' End circle'will sponsor will be given by Mrs. Henry Zander on October 27 il Pil. grim Hall in the church. John, Gunther's "Inside Asia". wiIl prove of great in-. terest to ahl who attend this review. Tickets may be obtained at the door. The Lake Side circle has postponed its party for the husbands, but wilI have Its regular meeting Friday, October, 27.. The fail reunion dinner has been plan. ned for October 26. Dr. George W. Shepm. herd will sDeak on 'Being Advisor to Chang Kai-Shek." A good dinner wiill be served, and this will be an excellént op- portunity to meet this Christian tates. mnan and leader. Holy Comiorter' (Episcopal) <enilworth avenue. and Warw4ck road. Kenilworth Rev. Leland Hobart Danforth, rector. HoPe Sunirers wfll read "Family Portraits" at the Garrett Biblical Inati- tute Administration Building on October 26. Tea will be served in the lounge. All women are cordially invited. to at- tend. The Fourth divsion will meet Thurs- day, October 26, at 12:30 o'clock at the' home o! Mrs. Oscar Tuttie, 1100 Ash- land avenue. The Fifth division will meet Thursday, October 26, at 12:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Tom Kerwin, 2007 Wiimette ave- nue. Ail the members and! friends of the church are invited to Join wîth North. minster church of Evanston at a dinner on Wednesday evening; the speaker will be Dr. Sam Higginbottom, Moderator or the Presbyterian Church. Our 2own churc *h dinner will be held Thursday evening at 6:30 o'clock at the church. 'The dinner 'wiil be under the auspices of the Sunday schooi. Vacation pictures will be shown. The speaker wlil j be Dr. Paul S. Johnson, executive secre- tary of the Presbyterv uof hia .--%ndi eacno xuutý- ncaun- -. Lmr Vireinia Knapp SUNDAY SERVICIES Processional-«'God of Church sehool ............... 9:30 a.m. Our Fathers"---------------...Warren' Primary ............10:40 a.m. H3mn-"Conme, Thou K indergarten................10:50 a.m - Alrnighty Kcin".......Gadn M orning W orship --------------...îIla.m Anthem - g . . . . . .G a d n Kappa Pi Phi................... 7pm. '"Cherubini Soiin,,".. Tschaik owskyý Mr. Hindley will deliver a timei y mes- Orison- Hymfn- sage on the subject: "N o B lack-outs :Ze F ather of e l .. .. .. .. .D k e Here." Rcessinnal-' 'Pleasant are The music for the morning wiîll be as Thy Courts aàhove4l---------Gilbert follows: Clare John Thomas, choir master Organ Prelude: Adagio fromn Third Sonata................ ach EmilyRobets .Kenilworth Union Anthe ni: "God is a Spirit" ..- . Bennett Dr He er L. W ltt n ise Offertoire Quartette:DrHebr., let mnsr ng service ..... .Stouj The Holy City... cordial Invitation is éxtended to, not attending churc*b elsewhere to and worship with us, 'rhis is a ,church. Its rnembership incluides e from varlous denominations. It iims the essential truths of the f,4,th. It deslres to, provide for. be éh.

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