JJeipfIti IIteLr. ,Lzere are nearly 4,000 chapters in the United States. Deiphian subject matter has from its beginning been prepared by edu- cators active in, university life and speialstsin their. fields. Deiphian 'programs 'are definitely outlined. Members, of the Education- ai Advisory board are Dr. Otis r E. Randall, former dean, of Brown University; Artemas Packard,-A. Ml. Dartmouth College; Wllard Thorp, Ph. D., Princetoni university; Had- ley Cantril, Ph. D. Princeton uni- >versity. Mrs. Hinrichs, who Is organ.izing this new chapter Wh ich will hold its meetings ýat the Parish House, is a. native St. Louisan.ý She is a mnem- ber of afamily that -for five gener- ations bas been promninently identi- fied with the social and poliical life of the state. ier father, the late Nicholas Montgomery Bell, thie "fa- ther of the Foreign Parcels Post," highly bonore1- Iy çity and state~, Ieft the irnpress of his individuality of the postal system on the United States and upon bis political party. Mrs. Hinrichs, in "the History of Missouri," is acclaimed as -one of St. Louis' outstanding young women, I socijally prominent, and a member of several organizations of colonial, pa- triotiC, and social nature in which she bas held high office.%" For the twent3-third ward Mrs. Paul Kelly is 'captain and bas worIk- ing with lher as co-chairman Mrs. Donald LaChance witb the following assistants: Mesdames, Harold An- derson, R . Ward Starrett, O. H. War- wic k,, F r a n k: Ketcham, Charles Rockcastle,c Walter Stephens, Allen Bull1y, Stephen Chase, W. M. Branch,' Weinstock., Douglas Crooks, Oliver, Barrett,, Leon Ellis, George Veeder,. Alfred Wiltberger, Myron Watkinis and the Misses. Miriam.Sbattuck and HlnHolden.' This precinct runsT through the nQrth side of Woodstock Avenue. and north. The twenty-fourtb. precinct starts with: the south'side of Woodstock avenue and runs south to the section known as No Man's, Land. -The chairmani here is Mrs. Purcell Smth with Mrs. A.. R. Peterson ber as- sistant. Blockwworkers include the Mesdames Kay Fuller, Otto Ruth, A. R. Fleischmann, A. Owen, Arthur Wakeley, JHenry Haueuan, lR. F. Baity, Walter Andersen, Thompson Wakeley, Fred Eckert, Leroy Shonts and Frank Karsiake. Meetings have been called by al the precinet captains for, purposes of organiza tion and ù-1 explanation of their work. Accurate and up-to-date records are kept, and every other. effort is being made to insure a successful campa ign. Any woman in Kenîlworth who is at all interested either in workmng for or joining the group is urged to call any one of the above mentioned members. Deerfield-Shields Higli Sehool, HghA d Park A1.1 Lecture$ aaIa8:15 P. M. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26 "The Britioh, li Today."9 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 "TiheNewiv tly--jrom Rome tb A TUESDAY," DECEMBER 5 "Norway, Swçeden, Finland and Denmark"' SATURDAY, JANUARY 6-M»exico"e TUESDAY, JANUARY 16 "'The Uttîaéd'Ste, f/romSea go, Shining Sea." Ail lectures iilustrated by direct-color stills and motion pictures, and co-related with music. This Musie-Picture program is a new experience ini educational entertaifiment. SERJES TICKET PRICES (5 LECTURES) Main Floor $3.80 or $2.70, including tax Dalcony $1.60, iucluding tax Mail orders and checeks payable to George Lake, Jr., Lake Bluff, 111. pl-t'y~. v'-*oVIf u vvl iv A*~ - - consistently followed the club's rec- ommendations, and every candidate Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Braun, 1431 endorsed by the group bas carried Gregory avenue, bave returned from the township, the club announces. a two weeks' trip to Sturgeon Bay, As chairman for Kenilworth, Mrs. Wis., wbere Mr. Brau~n was fisbing. James R. D. Stevensoni bas tbree Mrs, Braun visited her parents, IVr. precinet captains witb a 1l their and Mrs. William Peot. w