Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Oct 1939, p. 44

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Hears Urgent App..I for Local HeIp for War Sufferers Abroad, and Mokes Dressings Trhe regular meeting of the Wil- metteArden Shore board was held Thursday, October 12,. at thc home of Mrs. Hayes McKinney. The oc- casion was an unusual .one,, for its, members had respondcd to a. re- quegt from thc Red Cross for ani op- portunity to present té the group the unprecedcnted dcmaânds incident to. Uic war in Europe, which, are béing madeupon the humanitarian serv- ices of that organization, locally,.na- tionally, and intcrnationaly, -and in lieu of. Uic usual -sewing for- thc camp, memnbers had, come prepared to listen to the representative of Uice Red Cross who was present for that purpose. The Chicago chapter of Uic Red Crosns, hIeaded by James Fomgan, is one of Uic largest in Uic world. In fulfilling its obligation to aid Uic vie- tims 0f disaster, it is rcaching out to groups in all the surrounding towns a n d villages, asking for the organization of local groups whercver possible. Mrs. Wirt Morton of Lake Forest prescnted Uic cause, ably picturing Uic needs as seen by her organiza- tion. She told of requests for help sources. The dctaîlcd nced was shown in- Uic cable from Uic French Red Cross, which askcd for medicine, absorbent cotton, wool dressings, bandages, gauze, surgical materials, disinfectants,' fracture apparatus, bedding and clothing for Uic wound-' cd, and equiprrent and tinned food for relief stations. But word cornes from the Inter- national headquarters at Gefleva, the course of, training enable them to instruct g ing away from the hE wherc workers who arc MorisuStudio Mrs. John M. Davi s is ai repre- church to the Baptist Children's home at Maywood. She an- nounces that az bazaar is to be held on October -24, at "the Oakc Park Baptist church, and. that on October 28, the Wilmette group wilgive a birthday party at the home for children whose birth- cats fafl ini thermonth of October. a nalt as the flouse gucst of Miss Mary Jean Lewis,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Lewis, Jr., 610 Wash- ington avenue. Both girls were grad- uated ini June from Smith college. Last week-end, while Miss Baur was here, Miss Lewis cntcrtained at a house party at the, Lewis 'summer home at Lakce Geneva, Wis. At th e same time she gave a shower at Ps wOrlc- a coursei juarters, port of ti ited for Morton.- Sellers, Oct. 27 For her second book review, Fr1. day, October 27, at 10; in the series of ten Friday morning book revi *ews being given. at the Woman's ýClub of Wilmette,,this year under the aus- pieof the. ways and means. depart- ment, 'of whi ch Mrs. . D. Qfiar, is chairman, Mrs, Lloyd Faxon has chosen two, "best. sellers" of the non-fiction- class-"Wind, Sand, :and Stars" by Anitoie de Saint. Exu- pery, dis tinguished author of ' 'Night Flight,". and "Country ýLawyL-r'"'by Bella my 'Partridgc. 'The for'mer is listed sixth and the latter. second among non-fiction best sellers in the New York Herald Tribune book sec- tion. "Wind, Sand, and. Stars," is, writ- ten. by a French aviator. and an air Pilot with a number of years of ex- perience, who, in the 'American edi- lion of bis book, pays tribute to Ameoicanl airline pilots, both. living and dead. ."Country Lawyer," dedicated to the author's father, is reported to be the truc story of a typical American village in thc late sixties. One reviewcr says it is a best seller because it is "filced withý laughter, the people and excitement of- bygone da*ys you- would give - the world to recapture. No, wonder everyonc has wclcomed wi.th open The 0October ".Forum" has in, its, reviéw of "Country Lawyer" in the book forum: "The story of his fa- ther's life, it is also a grand biog- raphy of thc smnall town as it was in Uic heyday of volunteer fireman and horse-trading. Some of the cld- er Partrîdge's first and bcst clients* wcrc, in fact, horse traders. You had to be a pretty slick lawycr to settie their legal difficulties and they J.acueside circle will serve luneneon at 1 o'clock. A meeting of Uic board will take placeat 11:30. On North Shore National Organizer Arinounces lni- fiai Meeting a+ Chrst Church Parish House M1vonday A, new chapter of an organization for women- nation-wide in its scope is to have its inception on the North Shore Moniday- October 23, at,10 in the morning, in Christ'Churth Parilsh. Hlouse in Winnctka., The, nucleus of that chapter will be a group.of North, Shore women who will be its charter members. The organization form- ing the chapter is Deiphian, the a r- rangements are under the direction, of Mrs. M. Bell Hinrichs, now of the Edgewater Beach hotel,, past. presi- dent of the national council, national organizer and membership chair- man. Among the charter members who m-ill gather Monday for formai or- ganization, to choose a nam-e, and to' elect officers, will be Mrs. Leslie A. Drcw, Mrs. G. R. Kendall, Mrs. M. L. Archambault, Mrs. W. G. 01-, sen, Miss Jerry Cox, Mrs. E. T. Heister, Mrs. George M. Coale, Mrs. Robert Brcnneck, Mrs. LeRoy Wood- land, Mrs,. Ralph A. Hawxhurst, Mrs. Walter Botthof; Mrs. Robert P. War- ren, Mrs. Robert 0. Berger, of Kenil- worth; Mrs.. J. Liston Nau, Mrs.' Clinton G. Clabaugh, Mrs. Robert Fowler, Mrs. John M. Rodger, Mrs. ger of Wilmctte; Ivrs. Dorothy Car- michael of thc Orrington hotel and Mrs. Francis J. Blaise, Mrs. A. U. Harper, and Mrs. G. Engelsen, also of Evanstoný. .The Delphian's raison d'etre is ex-. plained i ,excerpts from an 'an- nouncement made by Mrs. Hinrichs: "The Pclphian society ià a national organization formcd in 1910 for the purpose of humanizing knowledgc, bringing to women the orientation of basic trends and~ ideaRs whose sound- lite, and be in a better position to. think of the -future. "The life of a commninty is thc art, drama, literature, music, philos- ophy, politics, history, architecture, economics, and'science of its com- I.

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