Speciaol Radio Week Allowances. on ýAmerica's Faàstest .'Selling Rcadio!. VU"', / ?I% A upw "I in . plendid Srne, cIsmIgy and lise- dom frou imêla.. Seuma' tional value. pvMs Ho. Mo.ey Down: No, Groud-N@ Aerici-Ju.st Plug iin 1 & i -.NOý DOWN A Washer and Ironer both for the price you'd expect Io pay for à washer alonel I-I h.' îE S I. I 13 81 Compete loi LauudryLowest Price lil, History?! A Sensational New Thor With These B'g Value Fe4turoe Thr'ee Vane Agitator *Four Speed Lubrication SExtra Large Surface Drain Board *Adjustable Pressure Wrwnger *Safety Release on Wringer knows just where they'11 stop.. but uow duriug Washer and Ironer week-Wieboldt's brings history-making low pries... prices we may neyer be able to duplicate. Act now. *No Ario*-41. *.md What a redio-ýwha a semmti.W 'd va». oùeum., Rev.1.tkIic gimfoem*àc. that in=U Y-0111. *White Poreelain Finish *Super Thor Agitator, *Powerful Motor -Oiled For Life I co Ne.w 1940 PHILCO WitI Fuil .Philco 9.aiIfy Yeu*i f. hcelv -Mme*