Delicious Plate Compelote Home. Cooked DINNERS, froým,.. Complote Sunday CHICKIEN DINNER 25e 65ec Wilmette, Cafe Chicaovs ichigant COMPLETE SERVICE- W ASHINC GflEASING SIMOt4IZING Mobil -cas BATTERY SERVICE H ILLUSSTAION 421. GreenSDay Rd. WIl. 744 We Each of the fiautthreeé persona who bringsa ore sends to the WILMETTE LIFE office cor- rct ,answers (or the nearest correct) wil leb given a reserved meat ticket to the North. western-Iinois game. AIL ANSWERS MUST BEACH WJLMErIrE LIFE-OFFICE '(or bc: post-marked) BE- FORE1 NOON SATURDAY,'OCTDER 21. Coria/ VFrwielo JR' FORDStL L J0, 1940. FORDF;MERCURY andi Lt NC OLN-Z E PHYR DY Letting (J. Service. Yoeaa Car WASHING GREASING PENNSYLZVANL4 TIES Greeà Day and Waslangton Av. Notre Damv. Navy. VIcTj Swing K4usic or Symphony 0 We.4~, QWINLAN RECORD Service Armyvz. YaleI J% or .2 le M i ý . SU