Companuy their, upwarct mi.arch as compared with the business activity -of a, year a go. During September 'the ËHA re- ceived 1,,063, applications for insured mnortgages totalling $5,' 419,150. 0f these requests, 462, in the amfount of $2,538,650 concerned the financing '98ofthe.970 applications received fradollar.volume of $4,690,050, but 43 fthe insurance requests total- lig$2,219,800, the building .fnwhomes. Show Coninued Interest "ýThere has' been no sign of the people'losing their interest in home buildling,because of a slight season- al decline," said Mr. O'Conner, "and banks appareritly have as much money as ever to invest in FIlA rnortgagos, The. facltlthat these in- vestments are extremely liquid andi may be converteti momentairily at par. should interest rates stiffen, so that other paper appears more prof- itable, has been quite helpful to the building industry. -1 look for preserit conditions to continue with building .proving to be the most effective source of stim- 1'ulating general business during the faîl andi winter months." * flu'<'kIn !ease. Tuesday, October 17 - Guide-le cture tour, "China and Tibet"-3 pa. Wednesday, Octoôber 18-Guide-lecture tour, "Su-Lin and Other Asiatic Animais" -3p.m.. Thursday, October 19 - Guide-lecture tour. a general- synopsis of- anthropologl. cal, botanical, geological, 'and zoological exhibits-3 pa.,. Friday, October 20--Guide-lecture, tour, -Textiles and' Fibers-ý3 p.m. Saturday, October 21-Raymond Founda-1 tion free. motion pictures for children: "Animal Aristocracy," "The 'Father of Water'," ",Romantic Mexico"-.-1O and Il Saturday, October 21-Illustrated lec- ture for aduits: "The Life Story of the Otter," C. J. Albrecht-ý2:30 p.m. OILý DURNR Vra Sen*e .49 ma"n DJAY AND IGHtwi t11 4000 transacoed uuring the. saine peniod of last year. During the past fine months 10,308 applications for a total of $54,257,950 were reeeived as com- Pareti with 6,934 requests for mort- gage insurance amounting to $37,749,- 202:during-I the same period in 1938. "The figures speak for them- selves," Mr. O'Connor continueti. "In bot h point of number of appli- cations and amount of money the increase is approximately 50 per cent. Ini view of the improvement $37-a 100 Open Eves. & Sun. 449> ELM ST. Phone »«erâeld 241 660 GREEN BAY RD. WINNETKA 254