November 8, at 1 o'ciock. The eventj is a desscrt bridge with the added features of' mfusic and the review. Mrs. Sherman is. weli known on the. North Shore for her dramiatic readings, and book reviews. She has been associated with the Winnetka Womnan's club, the Wîinnetka Drama club,' and other organizat ions. She hasread recentiybefore Northwest- ern university Sehool of Speec,é h Evanstoà Art center, and many pri- vate groups.. She directed and read the pageant for'the Kaskaskia- chap- ter, Daughters of the Amnerican Rev. oluttion at Shawnee Country club Tues day of this week,; a picting fûty years> of histo ry. Las 1t season she gave a course of lec- ture s on "The Constitution". for the Chicago Woman's club, the League of Women Voters,.,and other groups. Mrs. Sherma~n is considered partie-' uiarly fitted for dramatic readçing, as she is the daughter of Frederick Stanford, New York dramatie critic for seventeen years. The alliance, inconsequence of the Mr.'and Mrs. James Leonard Kraft of Bridai Veil Falls, Ore., announice the arrivaI of Geraid Thô,mpson, their second son, who was born Octo-ý ber 9. Mrs. Kraft, before her, mar- niage was Annette Thoynpson, daugh- ter of the Edwin Thompsons, former- Iy of Winnetlca. The baby's paiter- nal grandparents. are Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kraft of 1236 Greenwoodý ave- nue, Wilmette. Sororify Peg *Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Fisher, 7185 Willôw road, Winnetka, who formeriy lived i Wimette, spent last week- end at Delaware, Ohiù, visitltg' their daughter, Dorothy, who is a freshman at Ohio Wesieyan. Septem- ber 30, ýMiss Fisher was pledged to Alpha Chi Omega sorority., T.UESD.AY, DECEMBER. 5 "Norway, Sweden, P iniwid and Denmn&."e SATURDAY,) JANUARY 6-"M«xco xTUESDAY, JANUARY 16, "T U.lnited States. front Se. Lo Shining Sen."" AIl lecturet illu4rated by direct.icolor stilis ýand miotion pictures, and- co-related. with musie. This Music-Picture .program is a new experiene in educational entertainment. SERIES TICKET PRICES (5 LIClJRlES) Main Floor $5.00 or $3.75, ineluding £ax Dalcony $2.25, incI,,ding fax Mail ordert4 and ehecks payable to George Lake, jr., Lake Bluff, 1U. MaV 'fai'9w i ~etfe4tt, vctopïë MANUFACTURING FURRIERS SAFE - RIELIASLE SCIENTIFIC ECONOMICAL addifional 1f. and, th. fur HseIf is thoroughly cleaned. 66B8y msig dis e pattern, tee cen give your oid coat ewtire- ly 530w ines." i (r' cool for anestt- mate wlthout MrÇw r ûO&ers e obligation. of 368 CéntroU Aw.;, HiOlei8dL.P course, M.p..Nghmd Peuh35 '*in&, ig's a shteme - so match goopq. lur - but so utterly oastmodeal. 1 won- der-periteps 1 could have lite coet.,res;rled."