At N. S. Sisterhood ' R~abbi and Mrs. Charles Shuiman will share the platforrm on Monday, Octoberý 16, when. the Sisterhood opens Its activities for the year. The meeting WMf be a 12:30 Iunicheon.. wl th- Mrs.-, Milton; Grauer, newly. ýeeted president of the North Shore alsterhood :presiding. "1Behlnd the Headlines In Europe", and Repercus- n' Palestine" a r e the. an- nounced subjects. The- discussions, wMi be based on, actuai experiences galneéd from wide, travel in, Europe. and the 'Near East. Rabbi Shuimn will'cover'the psychoiogy of the peo-. pies of Poiand, Rumnania, Turkey and the Baltlc areas as Weil as the Implications of the association o! Germany and Russia in the Joint oc- cupation of Centrai European terri- tory. Also ln his discussion wil be a coiçletUg.Qo rJfpAt in the present tonflict. Mirs. Shuimnan will diseuss reper- eussions of European events in Pale-. stine and the Near East insofar as they reffect not oniy Oie Jewish Ref-' ugee problems deveioping from Oie horrors occurring in Poland and else- where i European war fronts, but aiso Oie Arab situation as it is af- !ected by England's entry in.,to the war and the struggie between Italy and England for dominatîon and in- r 6iibo y Photo' u ois Photo When the Sisterhood of the North Shore Congre gation Israel opens its activities for the giar on Monday, October 16, its members UUll have as speakers of the day, Rabbi and Mrs. Charles E. Shulm an, who toil share the pro gram, "Behind the HeadItnes in Europe," and "Reper- eussions in Palestine." The meeting will be luncheon at 12:30 o'clock. loly Comforter New Mem1bers l'o Be First Fail Event For N.- E. Alumne For their fi rst social event, o! Oie, flu calendar, the Associate alum- nae of Northwestern universityzhave planned, a career luncheon at 1215 at the Georgian hotel on Friday.- Oc- tober 20. The program will* be ln thé nature of a "mlian-on-the-street" broadcast hi which Helen ing Mitchell (Em, of, Oie Clara,. Lu and Em team) Will be. the mlstress of: ceremoniies and will interview some outstanding women graduates of Nort hwestern :university who have been successful in their chosen fields. Ail womnen who have graduatedl from Northwestern ar 1e memnbers 0f the Associate, alumnae, the purpose of wbich isto maintain a loser re- lationship between the universit-y and Oie graduates. Four parties are held -eaeh year, the faIl hmeheon. the library tea in February, the spring party, and Oie tea on Aluni- ni day. Mrs. Thomas Singleton of Glencoe- is president o! the Associate Aium- nae, with Mrs. Ralph Strader, Mrs. Beverly Howe, and Mrs. Paul Mor- rison, vice-presidents;, Mrs. Hubert L. Hardy; treasurer: Mrs. W. E. Schroeder, corresponding secretary, Mrs. Howard Packard. recording secretary, Mrs. Paul many new members of the - ister- .hood. Tuie meetings of the Sisterhood are open to ail who are interested and guests are cordially invited. There- will be a sale of merchan- dise nmade by Oie biind at this Octo- ber nieeting. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 and Oie.program will begin at 2:15 be held next Monday by Oie various the first of the series of monthly guilds of the Womnan's auxiliary of dinner dances planned for Shawnee the Church. o! Oie Eoly Comforter flembers this season by the enter- at the homes of members. tainment comniittee, headed by .Mrs. Robert O. Law, 323 Kenil- Richard Howeil. worth avenue,. Kenilworth, will en- Shawnee oficers and governors tertain the Chase guild, and Mrs. jean Huif, 734 Braeside road, High- wili greet new club members and land Park, th- Whitehouse guild. their families who have joined the The McLaren guild will mneet with club since Oie close o! the social Mrs. F. A. Williamis, 1352 Chestnut season iast spring. Special decora- avenue, and the Anderson. guild tions have been pianned to celebrate Hall, archives; ivrs. Martin Rosen- dahi, Quadrangle- representative: Mrs. Richard Breeden, scholarship: Mrs. Douglas Hl. MacMillan, publi- city; Mrs. Jack H-eitman, Journal- ism school representative. For the luncheon at the Georgian on Octoiber 20, reservations are to be made by October 18. with any of Oie following: Mrs. W. F. Soulé of Evanston, Mrs. Edwin Lennox of Chicago, Mrs. Charles Howeflof Winnetka or the Alumni office nt Der m ihen the Mrs. James RalPh Starr, 3M0 Ral- lake. As eigh road, iCenilworth, iu entertain- lustered ing the m-embers ofther bridge club maral>- at luncheon at her home Thursday me. - afternoon o! tis week. et. 12:3 10 to