uxuiili -neae:svieq,,a n d other le arned journals. 1FridaY, October 13, at 10 o'clock in the morning the ways and means conimittee gives the first of a series et Aive book- reviews. Mrs. Lloyd Faxon of Winnetka ia the reviewer. Friday, October 20, the phln- throPY department sews a» day for the, Park Ridge.,Schoolfor Girls. Eleenor ENfie Perkins ro Give M l dis Review For the final reviewMi itsfal book-review series . tornorrow >m orn- ing, (Friday). the' Methodist guild wili present Eleanor, Ellis 'Perkins ini a review. of! Watch for--the- Dawn" by Stuart Cloete. The corn- mittee feels quite fortunate to have been able to obtain Miss Perkins for this date when it was learned Hope. Sumrs a~would be ttnabie to appear.l -Watch for the Dawn" is a very dramatic and interesting novel now on the best-seller list. The setting i of the story is near Cape Town., South Africa. Since Miss Perkins spent the past summer in this district she will be *able to give a particularly interest- ing rèview of the book, including; ec1onsiderable material of her own collected during her African trip. Miss Perkins will give ber review in the Great Hall of the Wilniette Paiish Methodist church at 10 o"clock Qetober 13. The series is open to, the public at the reguilarý single admission fee. To Address GuiId sinnplY welcomning their friends-and who should hesita.te to "g9o'down"P such a, une? * hrvsanthemums dahlias. and oth- er fa»l flowers were "used in dec- orating the roomia At the tea table 1where two former presi ents of- the r!lIub. Mrs. Har veyA. Bush and Mrs. David J. Davis. poured, the center- pioce was an old-fashioned arrange- ment o1 bright colored garden flow- ers under a glass bell. Around the walls were the, exquisite, steel en- eravings, fifty to two-hindred-'years old, 1 laned bv A., A. Kritchevfbr of the Mathew Francis studio., There was the. feeling everywhere, "jsn't it -good to be back?' The social committee of!'which Mrs. Virgil Wescott is chairmaxi, was in charge of the tea; the art rommittee of which Mrs. Howard 'Miller is qhixrman, of the art exm 1hibit. In ber address to the members at the opening of the meeting. Mrs. Wllamns urged the members to let their club pay them dividends in re- taxation during t h e s e disturbing times. IMrs. Harley Ward, pro2ram chair- man, introduced the artists of the af- ternoon, two singers from the NBC studio, Attillio Baggiore, famous ten- or, and Ruth L~yon, soprano. The>r were accomnaiiied et the piano byr Robert MacDonald. Miss Lyon sang a number o! light, popular airs, sonie froîn operas, some gongs that she sings frequently on the radio. Among ber songs were the "Jewel Song" frorn "Faiist." "When I CýIo Out to Dnnrie," a selectiofi from "Louise," "When I Have Sung My. Song," '*Springtime," and "L'Amour." ,The fine dramatie singing of At- tillo Baggiore, member o! the NBC staff, and an artist who has sung -Yow ."MIsfit"' RVos Haveyu Imo ? ...Are.youredecraing? Do you fid your rugs are. ".mîsfits"l?. Wrong size? . Wrong color? . .L«etus trade-in your"mueft rugs. ,on the, correct newflor ovrins oryour home. This -ofer for a Iimitod Urne. Cal now, for an apprai.sal., S. ýK. JORJORIAN ý& CO* 607 Davis; St.8 Evnsfoni PATROHIZE OUR ADVERTI$ERS OPIEN ITHURSDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS unfil 9 .mk &bout our free parking plan :n:a, one of the meetings of the1 "Peace IniRelai wti be on to Prezent j-articles whicli they. cannot setid xIsr'vhSfeninEntn to the Parish flouse themselves, dsvwiSee,.nEaso they can notify Mrs. Johnston, and 1 ARA she will arrange for their collection. EDG RA STEVENS' c Evansfon O 'CLOOK lites go to any length 'I $1 Greenleaf 0700,