be, - ame limait." Let uk have a record attedhianoe as we eg nte new Conference Year. The organ-1elde begins at 10.:45 O'clock and the intrit is sung just before I. ,You are invited to share ii theéntresevî e The speclal music for the morning worshlp next Sunday mornlng wîfl be as follows: Organ Preludç(10:45>: *']Ërayer#u ..... ............... Lemaigre "Pastorale"........... ......IFlg1er "In the Morning"' (from Peer Gyn) ..............i... Grieg Introit* "O Holy.Father".-'Palestrmna Anthem* "The Lord la My ght"l.Speaslc The offertory Solo: "The Earth Is Dean Mesioy....3e Organ Postlude:- "Triumnphal March" ....................HReitze The Church sehool wili mneet Sunday mornlng at 9:30 o'clock. The 11gh School Epworth league meets Sunday evenligat 6 o'clock. Mr. Marvin Rttsk is the sponsor. Theta Upsilon Rho, for young people beyond hlgh school age, whU mLeet Sun. day evenng at 6 o'clock. There is a nursery where parents may leave sael children during the worship service on Sumday mornings. ton Y.M.C.A. Ajpproxlrnately 350 delegates from~ every portion of the state are .expeet- ed to hear such headline speakers as Mrs. Charles Holzheimer of the As- sociation for -Famiy Living in: Chi-, cago; Lester J.. Schloerb of Naper- ville, director of oceuptioenai re- search forthe, Chicago Board of Bd- ucation; Mrs. Neil Wooawarci bivc- Clintoück, Ev anstoni Girl Scout. execu- tive; and Clarence G., Moser, boys' division secretary for the Evanston Y.M.C.A. The conference wl» be open to anl girls. of high schoël age representingý organized groups. Special invita- tations have, been. extended to ail churches, Sunday schools, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, public and private schools, community clubs, and other sirnilar institutions in Ev- anston and along the North Shore. Ivite tT2îldrn to Se Free Movies at Museum The James Nelson a n d Anna Louise Raymnond Foundation wiil present a free program o! four mo- tion pictures for children at Field Museum of Natural History on Sat- urday morning. October 14~. Because, Swift's Lard b. 9e 14LLSBURY Oi R *IOA FIr 5-8b. boaie. 41b 83c oe'Ç 7%e Wllnette Girl Scouts *1ii have a dinner tonight (Thursday) at 6:3( oclock in the social hall. Choir rehearsal whfl be held tonlght. <Thursday) at 7:45 o'clock, under> the direction of Mr. Dean MeSloy. Tenons and basses are needed. If you sing., and would Mie to serve your church i this way, plan tô attend the rebearsal tonlght. Clan."' There wil -De two perform- ances, one beginning at 10 a.m., and one at 1l, in the James Simpson theatre o! the musewn. Children from ail parts o! Chicago and sub- urbs are invited. They may corne alone, accompanled by adults, or in groups from schools or other organi- zations. amis FOTATOUS . . 'Il5. SWANS DOWN >lb. 3c 'rlour22-1b. pkqs.39S 51Il*-13,9I~ Our Scout troops meet as foflows: Boy Scout Troop 3-Tuesdays at 7:30, .pan. Girl Scout Tkoop 2-Thurudays at 3:45 p.. Girl Scout' Troop 4-Tue0days, at '3»45 MI NAND-McKUD MIOIISAN lb, bulk, 3'::23< *» A HOME vek«